Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. em. Dr. Hermann Bausinger

Hermann Bausinger is a professor emeritus of Empirische Kulturwissenschaft at the University of Tübingen, where he served as director of the Ludwig Uhland Institute from 1960 to1992. In 1984, he was a visiting professor an the University of Oregon. His research interests encompass more general issues in cultural anthropology as well as specific areas such as folklore (Erzählforschung), customs and rituals, and dialectology with a focus on recent developments. His publications include monographs on the history of the folklore studies disciplines, the history of ethnopoetics, the anthropology of communication, sporting cultures, and the problem of ‘national character’. His habilitation thesis of 1961 was published in the US in 1990 under the title Folk Culture in a World of Technology (Indiana University Press). Articles in English include “Media, Technology and Daily Life” in Media, Culture and Society (1984); “Change of Paradigms? Comments on the Crisis of Ethnicity” in Studia Fennica Folkloristica (1992); “Intercultural Demands and Cultural Identity” in Europaea (1997).

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