Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

PhD Studies in Empirische Kulturwissenschaft at the Ludwig Uhland Institute

PhD theses represent an essential part of the institute’s overall research outcome. The majority of them are compiled as part of government-funded projects, respectively projects funded by research foundations. Some PhDs are employed as doctoral research fellows at the department. It is also possible to pursue a part-time doctorate while working elsewhere or to do your PhD with a scholarship. Some of the completed PhD dissertations at the LUI have been published by the institute’s own publishing house, the Tübinger Vereinigung für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft (TVEKW)

You will find general information (regulations regarding the PhD program and exam, admissions etc.) on the website of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. PhD students in Historical and Cultural Anthropology automatically belong to the Graduate Academy of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. The Graduate Academy provides various opportunities for PhD students to gain "professional skills", to join interdisciplinary and international networks as well as to take part in Summer and/or Winter Schools.


The PhD Group at the LUI

In addition, the LUI itself accompanies its PhD candidates throughout the PhD process. Every year at the end of January, we meet at our doctoral colloquium in Inzigkofen. Here, PhD students present their projects and discuss them with professors, research fellows and other PhD students. Apart from that, the institute's PhD group organizes meetings during the semester. This is the place to address questions concerning the research process, to have an article be reviewed by your co-students as well as to discuss recent scientific debates related to the various PhD projects. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact the coordinators of the group (see below). We will be delighted to welcome you.

Meetings of the PhD group winter term 2023/24

  • November 27th, 18:30 at the Freistil Tübingen (Meeting of the PhD group and MA-students interested in a PhD)
  • January 15th, time and place tba (Meeting of the PhD group in preparation of the Inzigkofen weekend)

If you are interested in a PhD position at or associated with the Ludwig Uhland Institute and are seeking supervision, please reach out the professors directly. 

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