Here you find information on how to get in touch with the CMEPS team
Melanchthonstraße 36
D-72074 Tübingen - GERMANY
T: +49 70 71 2 97 49 12
E: cmepsspam
Find a map here.
Melanchthonstr. 36
Room 009
D-72074 Tuebingen
T: 07071/ 29-7 83 67
E: cmeps(at)
Ms. Carolin Ordon
Ms. Elizaveta Kovalchuk
Room 119
E: cmeps-assistant(at)
T: +49 70 71 29-7 83 64
School of Sciences and Engineering, 1037
AUC New Campus
T: +20 26 15 26 48
E: cmeps(at)
Dr. Marco Pinfari