Institute of Political Science

Details on Interviews of the Research Group

Here you will find details and links on media presence of the team.

Oliver Schlumberger on Sectarianism, Proxies and De-sectarianisation

The Sectarianism, Proxies, and De-sectarianisation (SEPAD) project is based at Lancaster University’s Richardson Institute. It investigates factors that contribute to sectarian violence and proxy conflicts. The podcast hosts various leading scholars in the field of Comparative politics including Sean Yom, Charles Tripp, and Francesco Cavatorta. Oliver Schlumberger discusses authoritarianism, power, and democratization in the Middle East.

To listen to the interview, please click here

For more information on the SEPAD:


Interview with WDR 5 "Morgenecho"

Following the Berlin conference on Libya and possible military engagement, Oliver Schlumberger comments on the actors involved as well as on future prospects for Libya.

You can find the interview here.

Oliver Schlumberger on the Berlin Libya Conference and external actors

Oliver Schlumberger commented as an expert for Russia's state news agency Ria Novosti on the Berlin Libya Conference of 19th January, its results, the interests of external actors such as Russia and Turkey, and the late consequences of the international NATO military intervention of 2011 into the North African country.

Ähnliches Foto


Column of Bernhard Trautner about the military offensive of Turkey against Kurds in Syria

Honorary Professor Bernhard Trautner talks in his current column "Die Türkei in Syrien: Was bringt die erneute Militäroffensive?" of the German German Development Institute Deutschen (die) about the current situation of Kurds in Syria.


Oliver Schlumberger talks about the United State's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital

The news room of the radio station 107,7 located in Stuttgart interviewed Professor Oliver Schlumberger about the regional and global consequences of the recognitions of Jerusalem as Israel's capital by the United States. Furthermore Professor Schlumberger talked about the background of the status of the city.


Succeful kick-off of "Tübingen Talks on Democracy" with Jean Asselborn

On 15th of June 2017 Prof. Dr. Andreas Schedler and Prof. Dr. Oliver Schlumberger gave a grand opening talk with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Jean Asselborn to initiate the first round of "Tübingen Talks on Democracy".

The article of the local newspaper Schwäbisches Tagblatt can be accessed with this link (in German).


Oliver Schlumberger on the crisis between Qatar and Saudi-Arabia

On the 8th of June 2017 the online magazine WirtschaftsWoche interviewed Oliver Schlumberger on the crisis between Qatar and Saudi-Arabia. Professor Schlumberger gave a summary of the impact of US foreign policy and explained how allegations of Qatar financing islamisitic terror influence conflict dynamics.

You can find the interview here (in German).


Five Questions on the role of Qatar in the Middle East

The Munich newspaper Münchner Merkur asked Oliver Schlumbberger five questions on the role of Qatar in the Middle East featuring a page on the crisis between Qatar and Saudi-Arabia.

You can retrieve this article here (in German).


"Libyens Regierung hat ein Legitimationsproblem" - Professor Schlumberger in "Der Standard"

Für einen Beitrag von Bert Eder in der österreichischen Zeitung "Der Standard" kommentiert Oliver Schlumberger die Situation in Libyen, in dem Milizen weiterhin eine wichtige Rolle spielen.

Schlumberger analysiert darin das Legitimationsproblem der libyschen Regierung. Di existierenden staatlichen Institutionen seien nicht von allen Akteuren anerkannt. Darüber hinaus fordert er Streitkräfte, die dem Kongress unterstellt sind.

Hier gelangen Sie zu dem Artikel auf der Homepage der Zeitung.


Schwäbisches Tagblatt: Auftakt der Tübinger Sommeruniversität mit Vorlesung von Prof. Schlumberger

Prof. Dr. Oliver Schlumberger hielt zum Auftakt der Tübinger Sommeruniversität eine Vorlesung zu den Umbrüchen im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika. Nach einigen einführenden Worten zu den Charakteristika der Region - nach Indizes die "weltweit dauerhaft am unfreisten regierte" - ging Schlumberger auf die ökonomischen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Ursachen der der Proteste ein. Dabei betonte er, dass die unbefriedigende wirtschaftliche und soziale Entwicklung von der Politik in den Ländern der Region behindert wurde.

Schlumberger geht davon aus, dass die Länder in nächster Zeit sehr unterschiedliche und nicht unbedingt positive Entwicklungen nehmen werden. Während es in Tunesien und Ägypten zumindest eine Chance auf Demokratisierung gibt und in Marokko und Jordanien von den Königshäusern mehr Pluralismus zugelassen wird, entstehen in Libyen, Syrien, Bahrein und Jemen neue Krisenherde der Region. Abschließend plädierte Schlumberger für eine Neuausrichtung europäischer Politik gegenüber der Region, da der Erhalt von Stabilität über eine Stützung arabischer Diktatoren zu Lasten der Bevölkerung offensichtlich gescheitert sei.

Einen Bericht des Schwäbischen Tagblatts zu dieser Vorlesung finden Sie hier.


Einschätzungen von Prof. Schlumberger zur Lage in Syrien im Mittagsecho des WDR 5

In seiner Analyse der Lage in Syrien merkte Prof. Oliver Schlumberger an, dass es relativ schwierig sei, die derzeitige Stabilität des syrischen Regimes genau einzuschätzen, da Informationen aus den inneren Zirkeln nicht zugänglich sind. Gleichzeitig deuteten äußere Anzeichen darauf hin, dass es im Regime bisher noch nicht allzu viele Risse gebe.

Die weiteren Entwicklungen in Syrien werden daher zu einem großen Teil davon abhängen, wie lang der Atem der Opposition ist. Zum anderen werden die weiteren Ereignisse in Ägypten, insbesondere die Frage, wie viel Macht beim Militär verbleibt, entscheidenden Einfluss auf die syrische Situation und die Region insgesamt haben.

Den Ausschnitt der Radiosendung finden sie <link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten sozialverhalten institut_fuer_politikwissenschaft bilder schlumberger media wdr5_syrien_2011_07_15.mp3 download herunterladen der datei>hier.


Prof. Schlumberger zu den Debatten um neue Beamte in Baden-Württembergischen Ministerien

In der Landesschau wurde die aktuelle Debatte um neue Beamte in den Ministerien der neuen Landesregierung beleuchtet. Während einerseits neue Stellen aus Expertensicht sinnvoll und notwendig sind, gibt Prof. Schlumberger andererseits zu bedenken, dass der Aufgabenbereich von Pressesprechern, für die nun W3-Stellen vorgesehen sind, nicht dem Verantwortungsprofil anderer W3-Positionen entspreche.

Hier gelangen Sie zu einem Mitschnitt der Sendung.

Detailed information on interviews with the Working Group

Here you find information and links on the media profile of the team


Five Questions on the role of Qatar in the Middle East

The Munich newspaper Münchner Merkur asked Oliver Schlumbberger five questions on the role of Qatar in the Middle East featuring a page on the crisis between Qatar and Saudi-Arabia.

You can retrieve this article here (in German).


Oliver Schlumberger on the subversion of democracy

In an interview with the german newspaper Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Oliver Sclumberger talks about the possibilities of the subversion of democracy in Germany and foreign countries. The article also includes a discussion of middle east politics and state failure after the Arab uprisings.

You can read the article here (in German).


Oliver Schlumberger on the background and the implications of the Istanbul suicide attack

Oliver Schlumberger was interviewed on SWR on the background and the implications of the Istanbul suicide attack. Thereby he comments on the ambivalent relationship between Turkey and the so called „Islamic State“.

Find the audio recording here. (in German)


Danae Panissié on the political implications after Paris attacks

Danae Panissié was interviewed on SWR on the implications of the Paris attacks. Although the potential for terrorist attacks in Europe was not unexpected Friday’s large-scale attacks caught France and Europe by surprise. However, an intensified military strategy in Syria and Iraq only supports the terrorist approach of involving the enemy in excessive violence to frame terrorist attacks as self-defense. Only a coordinated political and military strategy between the US, Europe and Russia can be successful. What is also key now, especially for the media, is to reduce the public panic against infiltrated terrorists among waves of refugees and avert a new “islamophia”. One strategy to counter ISIS is to reduce their ideological appeal which is possible through a critical public.

Find the audio recording here. (in German)


Oliver Schlumberger on salafist groups

In the SWR news magazine 'Landesschau Baden-Württemberg' Oliver Schlumberger talks about salafist groups: 'We talk about informal organizations and networks'. The topic is important in the region since there are central contact points in Pforzheim and Stuttgart.

You can watch the extract (in german) here.



Steven Heydemann on the power games in Syria and Iraq

In an interview with Peter Toth (Reutlinger General-Anzeiger) Steven Heydemann talks about the complicated power structures in Syria and Iraq as well as on the power struggles within ISIS.

You can read the article here.(in German)


The new Joint Master's Program CMEPS: close cooperation with Cairo

On November 28, Ulrike Pfeil, a journalist working for the German newspaper "Schwäbisches Tagblatt", wrote an article about the new M.A. in “Comparative & Middle East Politics and Society” (CMEPS) offered jointly by the University of Tübingen and the American University in Cairo.

The two-year joint master’s program provides in-depth knowledge of the political and societal developments in the Middle East as well as analytical tools for understanding this region’s complex dynamics and challenges.

You can find the article (in German) here.


Conflict in Syria: Tina Zintl on the chances of a peace conference

In an article by Deutsche Welle journalist Najima El Moussaoui, Tina Zintl deems a success of a peace conference for Syria unlikely.

She points to the incompatible positions of the Assad regime and the Syrian National Council which severely distrust each other. Furthermore, the peace process is made more difficult by statements by President Assad. Nonetheless, Tina Zintl emphasizes the importance of different actors' participation in the peace conference.

You can read the entire article (in German) here.


Syria after the chemical weapon attack: Oliver Schlumberger about the deadlock in the country

In an interview with the German radio station „Radio Dreyeckland“, Oliver Schlumberger talks about the deadlock in Syria and explains why he thinks that the civil war is unlikely to end soon.

He assumes that the chemical weapons disarmament will take years and sees no reasonable solution concerning the pacification of the Syrian conflict. For him, neither diplomatic ways nor a military strike seem to be realistic possibilities. The international community has been inactive for too long and should have reacted much earlier to the difficult situation in the country.

Concluding he also talks about what ideally should happen in Syria, so that the country can escape its dilemma situation.

You can find the entire interview here (in German). Listen to the audio file of the interview here.


Tina Zintl on a possible Western intervention in Syria

In an interview with the German newspaper "Schwäbisches Tagblatt", Tina Zintl talks about the current Situation in Syria after the poison gas attack. She also addresses a possible Western military intervention. In the same newspaper article, five local candidates for the parliamentary election in Germany also give their opinion on the conflict in Syria.

Zintl does not see "any alternative to diplomatic, political, but also, military action" after the attack with chemical weapons. Furthermore, she critisises that the West hesitated for too long, thereby helping the Syrian regmie.

Regarding foreign actors, Zintl demands that they must talk to representatives of all groups in Syria and expand the humanitarian aid to all parts of the population.

Please find the entire article (in German) here.


Oliver Schlumberger on developments in Egypt, the MENA region and the question whether the "Arab Spring" has failed

In an interview with the the German radio station NDR, Oliver Schlumberger talks about current conflicts in Egypt. He also comments on the "Arab Spring" and the West's foreign policy towards the MENA region.

Schlumberger analyses the most important conflicts within Egyptian society and describes it as "very polarised". Furthermore, he states that the military is not a "pro-democratic force". Looking at other countries affected by the "Arab Spring", Schlumberger observes cases of "eroding statehood".

Find the entire interview here (in German).


Oliver Schlumberger on the military power in Egypt

In the "political-cultural weekly review" Oliver Schlumberger talks with Thomas Wosch of "Radioeins-rbb" on the political and economic role of the Egyptian military since the 1952 revolution by the Free Officers Movement.

Find the whole interview here (in German).


Nach der Absetzung von Präsident Mursi - Professor Schlumberger setzt sich mit der Lage in Ägypten auseinander

Im Interview mit Klaus Sterzenbach von Straubinger Tagblatt/Landshuter Zeitung beschäftigt sich Professor Schlumberger mit der Situation in Ägypten nach der Absetzung Präsident Mursis durch das Militär.

Er geht darin auf die Rolle der Armee als "stärkster Machtfaktor im Land" sowie die der Muslimbrüder ein. Diese seien an der Lösung der "drängenden sozialen und ökonomischen Probleme" gescheitert. Mit Blick in die Zukunft sei das Verhalten der Anhänger der Muslimbruderschaft und die Frage, "welche Form des politischen Islam sich durchsetzen" werde, entscheidend.

Weiterhin thematisiert Schlumberger die tiefe strukturelle sowie soziale Spaltung des Landes und die besorgniserregende ökonomische Situation. Auch weist er auf das Fehlen oder Nicht-Funktionieren der Strukturen hin, die eine Demokratie benötige. Laut Schlumberger brauche Ägypten nun einen "gesellschaftlichen Aussöhnungsprozess", in dem es um Fragen nach der Rolle der Religion im Staat und Minderheitenrechte gehe.

Das komplette Interview finden Sie hier.


Prof. Oliver Schlumberger und Dr. Tina Zintl im Interview zur Aufhebung des Waffenembargos an Syrien

Im Interview mit der Redakteurin des Schwäbischen Tagblatts, Ulrike Pfeil, sprachen die Syrien-Expertin und CMEPS-Koordinatorin Dr. Tina Zintl und Prof. Oliver Schlumberger zur Frage der Glaubwürdigkeit westlicher Politik, zur Konsequenz der Aufhebung des Waffenembargos an Syrien, sowie zu den Chancen der nun in Genf geplanten Friedenskonferenz.

Eine Kopie des Interviews finden Sie hier .


How significant are the demonstrations in Saudi-Arabia? - Oliver Schlumberger in an interview with „Deutsche Welle“

In his discussion with Anna Allmeling Oliver Schlumberger explained the background of the current protests in Saudi-Arabia. He demands that protest, even if launched by the Shiite minority, is not classified as being religious only, but to take its political dimension seriously. Marginalization and repression are the main driving force for the protesters. Oliver Schlumberger considers a bigger protest movement in Saudi-Arabia possible only with support of Sunni segments of the populations, but does not rule out this scenario.

In contrast to the views often held in politics and the media, Schlumberger believes that Saudi-Arabia is rather a destabilizing force in the regional and international arena.

Please find the full article here (in German).


Schlumberger on the developments in Egypt: Numerous disappointments, but no desperateness

Little has remained of the euphoric mood that had been prevailing in Egypt in February 2011. Parts of the old regime have taken power, a nothworthy amelioration of civil and women's rights is still pending, and at the run-off bullot the voters seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place.

Despite this, according to Schlumberger's evaluations no one can turn back time so that at least change for the worse appears impossible.

Here you can access the article on the DW homepage.


Deutschlandfunk reports on kick-off meeting of VW-Foundation funding research projects on the Middle East

On March 1, 2012 Deutschlandfunk reported in a broadcast on German-Arab cooperations. Dr. Nadine Sika, professor at the American University in Cairo, and Olover Schlumberger discussed with journalist Bellin Mittelstraß the new research project of our department on „Arab Youth“, founded by the Volkswagen Foundation, as well as the foundation's kick-off meeting on the planned new regional focus Middle East. The meeting, were Torsten Matzke, Maria Josua, and Oliver schlumberger represented our department, took place at the University of Leipzig from February 23-26.

The broadcast is available both as audio recording and as transcript.


Oliver Schlumberger joins in the discussion „Politics with Dictators“ at The European

More than one year after the beginning of the Arab Spring Prof. Schlumberger draws the balance. Under the heading „Revolution in Progress“ he diagnoses three things: The protests are sustainable, the reaction of the West is unproductive, and Europe looses power.

Pleases find the article here (in German).


Prof. Schlumberger is guest at SWR1-Leute

On the anniversary of the revolts in Egypt having lead to the fall of Mubrak in 2011, Professor Schlumberger discussed with moderator Stefan Siller at the SWR on January 25 the future of Egypt and the Middle East as a guest of the popular broadcast „SWR1-Leute“.

<link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten sozialverhalten institut_fuer_politikwissenschaft bilder schlumberger media swr1-leute_audio.mp3 download herunterladen der datei>Here you can access the audio recording.


Prof. Schlumberger bei der Deutschen Welle: zielgerichtete Sanktionen verschärfen und den Druck auf Russland und China erhöhen

Schlumberger äußerte sich zu der sich weiterhin verschärfenden Lage in Syrien. Er sieht die meisten Handlungsoptionen der internationalen Gemeinschaft weiterhin bei der Arabischen Liga, die besonders mit Reiseverboten und Konteneinfrierungen aktiv werden sollte.

Ein internationales Eingreifen hat aus Schlumbergers Sicht äußerst geringe Chancen. Um eine strengere UN-Resolution doch noch möglich zu machen, sollte versucht werden weiter auf China und Russland einzuwirken, so Schlumberger.

Hier gelangen Sie zu dem Artikel der Deutschen Welle, der die Expertenmeinungen verschiedener Fachleute zusammenträgt.


Israel droht mit Militärschlag: Prof. Schlumberger im Gespräch mit "DIE NEUE 107.7"

Im Interview mit "DIE NEUE 107.7" bezweifelt Prof. Schlumberger die Ernsthaftigkeit der Drohungen eines Militärschlags von Seiten Israels gegen den Iran. Vielmehr vermutet er, dass Israel dadurch das iranische Atomprogramm zurück auf die Agenda des öffentlichen Diskurses bringen und zugleich von imageschädigenden Projekten wie dem Siedlungsbau ablenken will. Auch einen möglichen Krieg zwischen den USA und Iran hält er für unrealistisch, da dieser die Kapazitäten der USA überreizen und zu globalen Komplikationen führen würde. Sanktionsmaßnahmen gegen das Atomprogramm haben nach Schlumbergers Ansicht nur eine aufschiebende Wirkung und lassen außer Acht, dass die Technik und das KnowHow für das Atomprogramm dem Iran auch aus dem Ausland, von Seiten Chinas und Russlands zur Verfügung stehen würde.

Mitschnitt 1

Mitschnitt 2

Mitschnitt 3


Libyen nach der Ära Gaddafi: Torsten Matzke im Gespräch mit "DIE NEUE 107.7"

Im Interview mit "DIE NEUE 107.7" machte Torsten Matzke deutlich, dass mit dem Tod Gaddafis und dem Ende des Bürgerkriegs nicht alle Probleme gelöst sind. Streitigkeiten innerhalb des Übergangsrates und Machtkämpfe zwischen den verschiedenen Rebellengruppen haben das Potenzial, neue Konflikte hervorzurufen.


Prof. Schlumberger zu Gast bei der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

Die Nassauische Neue Presse berichtete in ihrem Artikel vom 13. Oktober 2011 über die Konferenz der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung zum Thema "Förderung von Demokratie", an der Prof. Schlumberger teilnahm. Er betonte in seinen Beiträgen, dass ein langfristiges, kohärentes Engagement in der Region nötig sei, um den Skeptizissmus gegenüber dem Westen zu überwinden und Glaubwürdigkeit wieder herzustellen.

Folgender Link führt zu dem Artikel auf der Homepage der Nassauischen Neuen Presse.


Prof. Schlumberger zur Rolle des Militärs im ägyptischen Übergangsprozess

Auf DW-WORLD.DE, der Internetpräsenz der Deutschen Welle, setzt sich Prof. Schlumberger kritisch mit der Rolle des ägyptischen Militärs im Übergangsprozess des Landes auseinander. Darin hält er es für unwahrscheinlich, "dass innerhalb der nächsten sechs Monate oder innerhalb des nächsten Jahres das Militär zurücktritt".

Stattdessen werde das Militär versuchen, an der Macht zu bleiben und die umfangreichen Privilegien zu bewahren. Um dies zu erreichen, setze das Militär darauf, Stärke zu zeigen und sich als Beschützer vor Chaos zu präsentieren.

Folgender Link führt zu dem Artikel auf DW-WORLD.DE.


Prof. Schlumberger als Studiogast bei der Vormittags-Sendung „Im Gespräch“ von Deutschlandradio Kultur

Das zweistündige Radio-Feuilleton „Im Gespräch“ hatte zu seiner Sendung am 1.10.2011 Prof. Schlumberger als Studiogast geladen, um in unterschiedlichen Gesprächsrunden das Tagesthema „Nach dem arabischen Frühling: Wie weiter mit der Demokratisierung im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika?“ zu behandeln. Die Sendung stellt eines der beliebtesten Formate des Deutschlandradio dar, da neben klassischen Interview-Fragen des Moderators Dieter Kassel in der werbefreien Sendung auch Hörer mit den geladenen Experten ins Gespräch kommen können, wovon die Hörer reichlich Gebrauch machten. Neben Professor Schlumberger war Roland Meinardus (Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung) der Sendung aus Kairo zugeschaltet.

Weitere Informaitionen zur Sendung erhalten Sie auf der Seite von Deutschlandradio Kultur. Die Aufzeichung ist in zwei Teile geteilt, die Sie hier finden: Teil 1 und Teil 2.


Professor Schlumberger in der "Süddeutschen" zum Export von Panzern nach Saudi-Arabien

In seinem Gastbeitrag in der Süddeutschen Zeitung zum umstrittenen Export deutscher Panzer nach Saudi-Arabien sieht Schlumberger es als irrelevant an, ob die Debatte über den Verkauf öffentlich oder nicht öffentlich geführt wird. Was in der Zielregion zählt, ist, "dass aus Deutschland offensichtliche und militärische Unterstützung für die in den arabischen Gesellschaften so verhassten gerontokratischen und autoritären Herrscher kommt."

Die Frage sei, ob man diese Art der Sichtbarkeit wolle, wie sie sich auf deutsche Glaubwürdigkeit in anderen Feldern der Außenpolitik auswirke, auf entwicklungs- und friedenspolitische Zielsetzungen? Wie glaubwürdig könne in diesem Kontext deutsche Demokratieförderung sein?

Den Artikel finden Sie hier.

(Kopie 13)

[Translate to Englisch:]


"Keine U.N.-Resolution zu Syrien zu erwarten" - Radiointerview mit Torsten Matzke zur Reaktion des Westens auf die Situation in Syrien

Gegenüber dem Stuttgarter Sender 107,7 erklärte Torsten Matzke das Verhalten der westlichen Staaten in Bezug auf die Proteste und deren Repression in Syrien.

Eine U.N.-Resolution zu Syrien ähnlich der letzten Resolution zu Libyen sei, so Matzke, unwahrscheinlich. Im Fall einer Abstimmung würden Russland und China ihr Veto einlegen. Sie wollten nicht, dass die NATO auch in Syrien interveniert. Außerdem soll vermieden werden, dass ein Automatismus entsteht, der im Fall von Menschenrechtsverletzungen eine westliche Intervention vorsieht, denn Russland und China wären bei möglichen Protesten gegen die eigenen autoritären Regime in einer ähnlichen Situation wie derzeit Syriens Herrscher.

Hier finden Sie einen Mitschnitt des Interviews.


“No impact on the organizational structure of al-Qaida” - Prof. Schlumberger on the consequences of bin Laden’s death

In an interview with German radio station SWR 4, Prof. Schlumberger argues that Osama bin Laden’s death will not seriously affect the organizational structure of al-Qaida.

“Bin Laden was not an organizer anymore. In fact, he was a spiritual symbol,” Schlumberger explains. Thus, he expects his death to have a primarily symbolic impact rather than to constrain individual terrorist cells’ ability to carry out terrorist acts.

Find the interview here.


Prof. Schlumberger’s “Debating Arab Authoritarianism“ ranks second on New York Times Reading List

The New York Times has recently published a list of recommended readings which help understand the current upheavals in the Arab world. “Debating Arab Authoritarianism – Dynamics and Durability in Nondemocratic Regimes“, edited by Prof. Schlumberger in 2007, was recommended by experts of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

You can find the reading list here.



„Currently no signs of a diplomatic solution” – radio interview with Torsten Matzke on the Libya conflict

With Muammar al-Gaddafi clinging to power and the opposition insisting on his resignation, Torsten Matzke sees no signs of a diplomatic solution in the Libya conflict. In an interview with the Stuttgart-based German radio station 107,7, he advised the EU states to follow the example set by France and Italy and recognize the National Transitional Council as Libya’s legitimate representative.

You can find parts of the interview here and here.


Article by Prof. Schlumberger in the German daily “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“” (FAZ)

Prof. Schlumberger counters an article that accuses him and political science in general of having failed to anticipate the political developments in the Middle East (FAZ 23.03.2011). He responds to the critique and points out several misunderstandings.

You can read the article here.


"Germany's Libya Dilemma" – Prof. Schlumberger in “Voice of Russia“ article

In an article published on the homepage of Russian international radio broadcasting service “The Voice of Russia”, Prof. Schlumberger comments on Germany’s decision not to support a military intervention in Libya.

Find the article here.


„What is the Arab world?“ - Prof. Schlumberger explains for kids

For “dpa children’s news”, Prof. Schlumberger explains which countries constitute the Arab world.

Find the article here.


Prof. Schlumberger auf hr2 kultur zur Arabischen Liga

In einem Interview mit dem Hessischen Rundfunk analysiert Prof. Schlumberger die Rolle der Arabischen Liga im Libyenkonflikt. Deren widersprüchliche Aussagen zur militärischen Intervention in Libyen sieht er in den sehr unterschiedlichen Ausgangspositionen und Interessen der Mitgliedsstaaten begründet. Trotz dieser Probleme beschreibt er die Liga als den derzeit wichtigsten Ansprechpartner des Westens in der Region.

Sie finden das Interview hier.


“No alternative to military intervention in Libya” – Prof. Schlumberger on German television news magazine

In view of the current situation – in particular given the fact that Muammar al-Gaddafi does not consider sharing even parts of his power – Prof. Schlumberger spoke in favor of a military intervention in Libya when interviewed by the German news broadcast “Nachtmagazin”.

You can view the clip here (high quality, requires plug-ins) und here (maximum compatibility).


“The Tyrant Tax” – Article in The New Yorker

In his article “The Tyrant Tax”, New Yorker author James Surowiecki refers to Prof. Schlumberger’s concept of “Patrimonial Capitalism” in order to explain the disappointing economic performance of Arab states.
The term “Patrimonial Capitalism” describes a capitalist, yet non-market economy which differs qualitatively from competition-based market systems and has emerged in various non-OECD countries as a result of economic reform and structural adjustment. It is characterized by distinct features such as structurally higher transaction costs and a distinct relation between formal institutions and informal rules that govern exchange processes.

Find the entire article here.


Maria Josua on the current situation in Libya

In a radio interview with German radio station SWR 4, Josua blames the Libyan regime for the recent escalation of violence in the country. Should Gaddafi be ousted from power, she expects Libyan tribes to provide stability on a local level.

You can listen to the interview here.


Will the “Arab Spring” result in democracy? Prof. Schlumberger in “sonntaz”

Prof. Schlumberger remains cautious about the hopes for democratization in the Arab region. In an article for the German newspaper “die tageszeitung”, he writes that the road to democracy is still a long one for Tunisians and Egyptians, although the recent events have opened a “window of freedom”. As major obstacles to progress he identifies the staying power of parts of the overthrown regimes as well as the hesitant Middle East policy of Western states.

You can find the article here.


“Powerful military makes regime change unlikely” – Prof. Schlumberger on the role of the military in Algeria

In a DW World article, Prof. Schlumberger analyses the stability of the Algerian regime. He points out differences between the protests in Algeria and those in Egypt and Tunisia that make a revolution unlikely.

View the article here (in English).


“Not with you – Western Foreign Policy in the Middle East“ – Prof. Schlumberger in “The European” and on “N 24”

In his commentary, Prof. Schlumberger describes how the West loses its credibility by pursuing its current foreign policy in the MENA region. He warns that lacking Western support for the Arab population induced by fear of Islamist fundamentalism is breeding skepticism and mistrust concerning Western policy goals.

Find the article here.


Three scenarios for the future of Egypt: Prof. Pawelka in “Schwäbische Zeitung”

In an interview with German newspaper “Schwäbische Zeitung”, Prof. Pawelka cautions against premature euphoria concerning the popular protests in Egypt.

View the article here.


The Suez Canal – world economy’s bottleneck

In an article published by German newspaper “Zeit Online”, Prof. Schlumberger evaluates the importance of the Suez Canal for the Egyptian economy.

View the article <link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten sozialverhalten institut_fuer_politikwissenschaft bilder schlumberger media zeitonline_04.02.2011.pdf download>here.


The Arab revolution – menace or opportunity?

In an interview with radio news broadcast “SWR 4 Blickpunkt”, Prof. Schlumberger calls for more Western support for the Arab reform movement. He says that democratic change in the region would benefit EU and US interests.

Get the interview here.


Fact check for German talk show

Prof. Schlumberger checked the accuracy of claims made by the guests of German talk show “Hart aber fair” on the recent developments in Egypt. Among the guests were Michel Friedman (publicist), Cilja Harders (professor for Middle Eastern politics) and Aiman Mazyek (chairman of the German Central Council of Muslims).

View the fact check here.


Radio interview with Prof. Schlumberger: “Provocations by the regime”

In an interview with German radio station “Radio Ton”, Prof. Schlumberger says that clashes between protesters and followers of president Mubarak result from the regime’s provocations. He criticizes the EU policy of maintaining stability in the region by supporting dictators and points out the advantages of a so-called “pacted transition” to democracy, where a part of the political elite cooperates with oppositional forces.

Find the recording here.


“We need conceptual reflections on a realignment of EU Middle East policy”

German radio station “107.7” features an interview with Professor Schlumberger in its news broadcast (6 o'clock; 7 o'clock; 8 o'clock).


“Current revolution will be a signal for the whole region” – Radio interview with “Hit-Radio Antenne 1”

Prof. Schlumberger expects the Egyptian revolution to have repercussions in countries throughout the whole region except the rich gulf monarchies. He argues in favor of incorporating religious actors into a transitional government due to their societal support.

You can find the interview here.


„Surprising Unity“

In an interview with German newspaper „Schwäbisches Tagblatt“, Prof. Schlumberger analyzes the recent protests in Egypt and cautions against raising hopes too high.

You can view the article here.


Prof. Schlumberger speaks to SWR 4 on the situation in Egypt

In an interview with German radio station SWR 4, Prof. Schlumberger says that in the event of Mubarak's regime being overthrown, a transitional government would have to include all relevant societal forces in order to restore peace and stability in the country. He urges the international community to support a transition to democracy.

Listen to the interview here.


German Turkish Roundtable on International Affairs (GTRT): "Prospects for the roles of Germany and Turkey in the Middle East"

Following an invitation by the Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) at the internationally renowned Sabanci University, by the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, SWP) and by the Robert Bosch Foundation, Prof. Oliver Schlumberger participated in the first German-Turkish Round Table on October 7-8 in Istanbul.

The Roundtable, which brought together political decision-makers, journalists and academics from both sides, aimed at discussing Turkey’s and Germany’s respective roles in the Middle East. A key focus was placed on Turkey’s new foreign policies which among some international actors, including Germany, are currently met with great skepticism. In the discussions between German and Turkish academics, representatives of the countries’ foreign ministries as well as the Turkish prime minister’s office and the German chancellor’s office, Professor Schlumberger and other academics pointed to the necessity of taking seriously Turkey’s ambitions and right to redefine its role in regional policies, especially given the fact that the EU does not seem to be willing or able to offer Turkey a realistic prospect for membership in the EU.

As Prof. Schlumberger pointed out, there is nothing dangerous, spectacular or peculiar about Turkey’s current revision of its regional foreign policies. Rather, a dialogue between partners and friends should be continued without potentially damaging German efforts at patronizing Turkey in its foreign policy formulation. Turkey is a politically self-assured and economically strong partner; for these and many other reasons, Turkish integration into the EU would be a chance for the EU more than it actually is for Turkey – a fact that German politicians, fearing public opinion at home, have long been reluctant to acknowledge. It would be in the EU’s best interests to work towards the further integration of Turkey and provide its government and people with a clear schedule for full EU accession in case the country so wishes.

The second German-Turkish Roundtable is scheduled to be held in Berlin in 2011. You can find the event program here. A newspaper article by the German daily “Berliner Zeitung” covers the talks and can be accessed here.


Prof. Schlumberger interviewed on West German radio station WDR programme “Politikum”: “A new beginning? - Why Obamas strategy towards the Muslim countries will fail”

”I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect”. Less than one year after his famous speech in Cairo, Barack Obama seems to walk the talk when recently inviting entrepreneurs from more than 60 Muslim countries to Washington Prof. Schlumberger nevertheless argues that this does not represent a new start but rather a continuation of former politics.

Get the entire interview <link fileadmin uni_tuebingen fakultaeten sozialverhalten institut_fuer_politikwissenschaft bilder schlumberger media wdr5_interview.mp3 download herunterladen der datei>here.


Report on Prof. Schlumberger's start at Tuebingen University

The Schwäbisches Tagblatt had a report on Oliver Schlumberger's plans as new professor at the Institute of Political Science Tuebingen.

Among other projects a regional interdisciplinary Master's program (Politics and Society in the Middle East) in cooperation with the Institute of Asian Studies is to be established in the future. Also, a political science network will be broadened within the German-Arabic Academic Dialogue, funded by the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD).

Here you will find the article.