Institute of Political Science

Joscha Abels

Institut for Political Science
Melanchthonstrasse 36
72074 Tuebingen
Room 123

Phone (+49) 07071 - 29 75908


Short Biography

Joscha Abels is research associate (PostDoc) and lecturer at the Department of Politics and Economics / Political Economy since January 2023.
He studied Political Science and Economics (B.A.) at the universities of Mannheim and Oslo, followed by Peace Research and International Politics (M.A.) in Tübingen. In 2021, Joscha Abels concluded his PhD with Prof. Dr. Andreas Hasenclever and Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bieling, which was graded 'Summa cum Laude'. In his dissertation, he focussed on the political economy of the European Economic and Monetary Union in the euro crisis, in particular, the role of the informal Eurogroup.
Since 2023, Joscha Abels is a PostDoc at the research project "Infrastructures and Global Ordering (IGLO) - Linking Infrastructural Transformation to Changes in Global Relations and the Prospects of Sustainable Development". His recent work is located in the fields of infrastructure policy and geoeconomics, with a particular focus on EU infrastructure policy and its position in global competition.
Starting 2024, as a PostDoc he leads the DFG-funded research project "EUInfra - Strategies of the EU in the global competition for economic expansion and geoeconomic control."

Between 2018 and 2019, Joscha Abels worked as an editor for the Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (zib).


  • International Political Economy (Lecture, Bachelor/Master)
  • Geoeconomics in the 21st Century. The Role of Infrastructures in Global Competition (Master)
  • The United Nations System: Politics and Policies (Master)
  • Methods and Methodologies in Peace and Conflict Research (Master)
  • Quantitative Methods Workshop (Master)
  • Introduction to International Relations (Bachelor)
  • International Relations Theory and Peace Research (Master)



Abels, Joscha (2024): Private infrastructure in geopolitical conflicts. The case of Starlink and the war in Ukraine. European Journal of International Relations (online first), DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2024): Failing forward in European economic governance. The cyclicality of European integration and institutional competition in the COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Common Market Studies (online first), DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2024): Does the current crisis mark the end of the EU’s austerity era? Competing political projects in European fiscal governance. Comparative European Politics 22, 192-211, DOI:

Abels, Joscha; Bieling, Hans-Jürgen (2024): Drivers and limits of the geoeconomic turn in EU infrastructure policy. Politics and Governance 12, DOI:

Abels, Joscha; Bieling, Hans-Jürgen (2024): The geoeconomics of infrastructures. Viewing globalization and global rivalry through a lens of infrastructural competition. Globalizations 21(4), DOI:

Abels, Joscha; Bieling, Hans-Jürgen; Kassem, Sarrah (2024): Re-regulating the European high-tech capitalism? The EU’s digitalization strategy at a turning point after the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Janusch et al. (eds.): Turning Points. De Gruyter, DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2023): The politics of the Eurogroup. Governing crisis and conflict in the European Union. Routledge (RIPE Series in Global Political Economy), DOI:

Abels, Joscha; Bieling, Hans-Jürgen (2023): Infrastructures of globalisation. Shifts in global order and Europe's strategic choices. Competition & Change 27(3-4), DOI:

Abels, Joscha; Bieling, Hans-Jürgen (2022): Jenseits des Marktliberalismus? Europäische Industrie- und Infrastrukturpolitik im Zeichen neuer globaler Rivalitäten. PROKLA 52(3), 429–449, DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2022): Globaler Wettbewerb um Infrastrukturen. Eine neue Form der Geopolitik? POLITIKUM 8(2), 4-12,

Abels, Joscha; Hasenclever, Andreas (2022): Die Säulen internationaler (Un-)Ordnung. Kontinuität und Wandel intergouvernementaler Organisationen. In: Lütz/Mentzel (eds.): Internationale Organisationen. SpringerVS, DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2019): Power behind the curtain. The Eurogroup’s role in the crisis and the value of informality in economic governance. European Politics and Society 20(5), 519-534, DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2019): Machtzentrum hinter dem Vorhang. Die informelle Eurogruppe und ihre erneuerte Rolle im Euroregime. In: Bieling/Guntrum (eds.): Neue Segel, alter Kurs? SpringerVS, DOI:

Abels, Joscha (2018): Ein Europa der Finanzministerien? Die Eurogruppe im Projekt der austeritätspolitischen Restrukturierung der Eurozone. PROKLA 48(3), 399–415, DOI: