Institute of Political Science


Yearbook of Federalism

The Yearbook, which has been published by Nomos (Baden-Baden) since 2000, is conceived as a thematically broad compendium that offers readers - primarily in academia and research, teaching and studies, as well as in politics, administration and the interested public - an up-to-date, reliable and summarising overview of the various aspects of federal and regional structure and policy without the need for extensive research. The 30 to 35 articles are divided into nine main sections, including the regular "German federalism" and "European country reports" as well as an annually alternating special issue. Our international authors come from the fields of science, politics and administration and cover a broad spectrum of content and methodology. The Yearbook contains contributions in German and English.

Submission of manuscripts: We welcome proposals for the next volume for the Yearbook. Please address your proposals ideally till 15 December 2024 to: Submissions until 31 December 2024 will also be considered.

Call for Papers (2025)
Information for authors: here.
Style sheet: here.

Book Series

Alongside the Yearbook, the Book Series is the second central pillar of our Centre. It is also published by Nomos (Baden-Baden) and has so far comprised 53 volumes. The series serves to publish research articles, monographs, anthologies and conference proceedings on the topics with which our Centre is primarily concerned: Federalism as a structural and organisational principle, including related reform processes and development trends, especially in European states; the significance and impact of federal structures and the principle of subsidiarity for constitutionalisation and for policy processes (multi-level governance) in the EU; decentralisation, regionalisation trends and processes in (especially) European states; cross-border interregional cooperation of regions in Europe, including the networking of regional actors. The series documents the academic discourse on the above-mentioned topics and also makes a weighty contribution to the political discussion itself.

"Occasional Papers"

The series "Occasional Papers" is self-published by the ECRF. So far, 43 volumes have been published by different authors on various topics. If you have any questions about the individual volumes or would like to place an order, feel free to contact us directly at ezffspam Most of the volumes can also be downloaded free of charge as e-books from our website.


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