Institute of Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archaeology

Institute Colloquium Winter Semester 2024-25

From Wednesday, November 6, the Institute Colloquium will again take place on Wednesdays at 12.15 p.m. in room 212 in the castle with a wide range of interesting lectures by members of the Institute and external speakers. All employees, students and other interested parties are invited to attend, listen and join in the discussion.

Gold im Ammertal. Das Ende der Steinzeit im Raum Tübingen

Schriften des MUT, Bd. 27, Tübingen 2023
294 Seiten mit 274 Farbabbildungen; 29,90 €

This handbook combines essays on the cultural history of the region around Tübingen, contributions on archaeological methodology and a comprehensive catalogue of the archaeologically investigated sites.