Prof. Dr. Monika Schrimpf
Curriculum Vitae
Since 03/2014
Professor at the Institute for Asian and Oriental Studies, Department of Japanese Studies, Tübingen University
2011 – 2014
Assistant Professor at the Department of the Study of Religions, Bayreuth University
2004 – 2011
Senior Research Fellow at the Department of the Study of Religions, Bayreuth University
2002 – 2004
Senior Research Fellow at the German Institute for Japanese Studies, Tôkyô
2001 – 2002
Senior Research Fellow of the German Research Council for the project "Interpretations of Fate and Life-shaping Decisions in Contemporary Japanese Religions" ("Schicksalsdeutung und Lebensgestaltung in den japanischen Religionen der Gegenwart") at the Department of the Study of Religions, Philipp University of Marburg
Habilitation thesis in the Study of Religions
Title of habilitation thesis: "Self-Cultivation and Guidance to Living in Contemporary Japanese New Religions. A Discourse Analytical Approach"
Dissertation in Japanese Studies at University of Bonn
Dissertation title: "On the encounter of Japanese Buddhism with Christianity in Meiji Era (1868-1912)" ("Zur Begegnung des japanischen Buddhismus mit dem Christentum in der Meiji-Zeit (1868-1912)")
1986 – 1994
Studied Japanese Studies, Study of Religions and History at University of Bonn and Kyûshû University in Fukuoka