Institute of Ancient History

MMag. Dr. Olivier Gengler



Keplerstr. 2, Room 46, 72074 Tübingen

+49 / 7071 / 29 77694


Office hours

  • by appointment

Historical and Philological Commentary on John Malalas' Chronicle

(Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities)

since January 2016

Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, research project "Historical and Philological Commentary on John Malalas' Chronicle"

Senior researcher

Austrian Academy of Science, project Scythica Vindobonensia

non tenured Assistant Professor

Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik at Vienna University


Seminar für Alte Geschichte at Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg


French Archaeological school, Athens

PhD in History and Cultural studies

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Doctorate fellow

Belgian National Scientific Research Fund

Postgraduate diploma in Anthropology
Master in Classical Philology
Master in History

Graduate studies in Studium in Namur, Liège and Lausanne

Grants and fellowships - Professional affiliations

Grants and fellowships

  • Research grant and fellowship of the Gerda Henkel Foundation
  • Research grant and fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Travelgrant of the french community of Belgium
  • Fellowship of the Alexander S. Onassis Foundation
  • Grant of the Plantin Moretus Foundation

Professional affiliations

  • Associate of the “Centre Louis Gernet de recherche comparée sur les sociétés anciennes” (now “ANHIMA”), Paris
  • Associate of the “Center for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies”, Nottingham
  • Member of the “Société des Études grecques”, Paris


Research interests

  • History of Sparta, ancient and modern vision of Sparta
  • History, historical geography and religious history of the Peloponnese
  • Ancient and early Byzantine historiography, ancient geography, narratological approach
  • 18th and 19th c. travel literature in Greece 

  • Greek Epigraphy



  • (in press): Pausanias, Description de la Grèce, III: Livre III, La Laconie (Collection des Universités de France). Text ed. by M. Casevitz and A. Skalli, introduction, translation, commentary by O. Gengler (Paris: Les Belles Lettres).

Journal articles and contributions to edited volumes

  • (in preparation): “Die Leonideia von Sparta: eine neue Edition von IG V1 18-20”
  • (in preparation): art. “kleos”, “kephalaiodès”, “ktèma”, “periodos gès” and “periègèsis”, in: Lexicon historiographicum Graecum et Latinum, C. Ampolo and U. Fantasia (ed.) (Pisa: Scuola Normale Superioren).
  • (in press): “On Dexippus and Philostratus. Historical and prosopographical remarks on the Scythica Vindobonensia”.
  • (in press): “What’s in a Praise? Ἐπαινεῖν in the honorary decree”, in: Civic Honours. The Politics of Honour in the Greek Cities of Roman Imperial Times (1st-3d c. AD), A. Heller and O. van Nijf (ed.) (Leiden: Brill).
  • (2017): with L. Carrara, “Zu den Quellen der Chronik des Johannes Malalas. Eine Einleitung”, in: L. Carrara, M. Meier and Chr. Radtki (ed.), Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas. Quellenfragen (Malalas-Studien 2), (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag), .
  • (2016): “Johannes Malalas und seine Quellen: Überlegungen zum Fall Philostratos (Malalas XII 26)”, in: E. Juhász (ed.), Byzanz und das Abendland IV. Studia Byzantino-Occidentalia (Antiquitas - Byzantium - Renascentia XXI. Bibliotheca Byzantina 4), (Budapest), 79–89.
  • (2016): “ ‘Deux lettres à Mylord Comte d’Aberdeen’: Öffentliche Briefwechsel und Kontroverse über die Inschriften von Michel Fourmont am Anfang des 19. Jh.”, in : Netzwerke der Altertumswissenschaften im 19. Jahrhundert, K.R. Krierer and I. Friedmann (ed.) (Wien : Phoibos), 69-79.
  • (2015) with M. Resel: “Adn. Tyche 45. Wadd. 2239: Eine Bauinschrift aus Bosana”, Tyche 30, 242-245.
  • (2015) with M. Resel: “Adn. Tyche 46. Wadd. 2034 (=Wetzst. 62a): Eine Bauinschrift aus Mothana”, Tyche 30, 246-249.
  • (2015) “Adn. Tyche 47. Eine wandernde Inschrift aus Tithronion (Praktika 1909 [1910] 130 = JHS 30 [1910] 262-263)”, Tyche 30, 249-252.
  • (2014): art. “dikaios”, “egkomion/epainos”, “eulogos”, “heuriskô”, in: Lexicon historiographicum Graecum et Latinum, fasc. 3, C. Ampolo and U. Fantasia (ed.) (Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore), 70-75, 160-170, 216-220, 224-227.
  • (2013): “De qui est la mémoire ? Construction identitaire et image du passé dans les sanctuaires du sud du Péloponnèse sous le Haut-Empire”, in: A. Gangloff (ed.), Lieux de mémoire dans l’Orient grec à l’époque impériale, Lausanne (ECHO), 179-198.
  • (2011): “Leonidas and the heroes of Thermopylae: Memory of the dead and identity in Roman Sparta”, in: H. Cavanagh, W. Cavanagh et J. Roy (ed.), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese. Proceedings of the conference held in Sparta 23-35 April 2009, Nottingham: Online Publication, 2011, 151-161.
  • (2010): “Le paysage religieux de Sparte sous le Haut Empire”, Revue de l’Histoire des Religions 227, 609-637.
  • (2009): “Une épingle pour Artémis Limnatis”, Revue Archéologique 2009.1, 53-68.
  • (2009): “Ni réel ni imaginaire: l’espace décrit dans la Périégèse de Pausanias”, in: Géographies imaginaires, Laurence Villard (ed) (Rouen: PURH), 225-244.
  • (2007): art. “atopos/alogos”, “anagkaios”, in: Lexicon historiographicum Graecum et Latinum, fasc. 2 , C. Ampolo and U. Fantasia (ed.) (Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore), 29-32 and 38-40.
  • (2005): “Héraclès, Tyndare et Hippocoon dans la description de Sparte par Pausanias: mise en espace d’une tradition mythique”, Kernos 18, 311-328.
  • (2003): “Héritage épique et lyrique dans la poésie alexandrine: les Dioscures et les Apharétides d’Homère à Lycophron”, in: Forme di communicazione nel mondo antico e metamorfosi del mito: dal teatro al romanzo, G.F. Gianotti (ed) (Turin: Edizione dell’Orso), 135-147.
  • (2000), mit P. Marchetti: Dix années de recherche sur Sparte hellénistique et romaine — 1989-1999, Topoi 10.1, 57-86.
  • (2000): Le Peintre Nikias chez Pausanias et IG II² 3055, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 130, 143-146.
  • (1999): Les Traductions françaises de Pausanias, Les études Classiques 67, 63-70.
  • (1995): Les Dioscures et les Apharétides dans le Parthénée d’Alcman (Frgt 3 Calame), Les études Classiques 63, 3-21.


Besides, several reviews in Anabases, L’Antiquité Classique, Kernos, and der Revue Belge de Philologie et d’Histoire; almost hundred review notes in Les études Classiques.

Publications for a larger public

  • “Sparte à travers les siècles, du retour des Héraclides jusqu’à l’empire de Rome”, in: Histoire antique et médiévale, 56 (Juli-August 2011), 26-31.
  • Bibliography “L’Antiquité en poche” (“The Antiquity in Poketbooks”):
    • “Histoire romaine: L’empire”, Les Études Classiques 68 (2000), 377-380;
    • “Historiographie antique, historiographie moderne”, Ibid., 77-82;
    • “Histoire romaine: Les Historiens anciens”, Les Études Classiques 67 (1999), 71-74;
    • “Philosophie grecque: Socrate et Platon”, Les Études Classiques 66 (1998), 365-373;
    • “Théâtre antique: La Comédie”, Ibid., 281-284;
    • “Littérature grecque: Ouvrages généraux et Poésie archaïque”, Ibid., 123-129.