Institute of Modern History

Economy, Finance, Consumption

Birds of Paradise

The habilitation project examines the influence of birds of paradise, their behavior and the interest in their feathers on the various relationships in the colonial context of the island of New Guinea and its influences on Euro-American debates on animal welfare. (Sabine Hanke)


What do children buy?

In my PhD-Project, I am analysing the shopping behaviour of children and young people in the areas of Württemberg in the 18th century. (Manuel Mozer)

Speculation and stock market crashs

The project examines the two speculative bubbles and stock market crashes of 1825/1826 (state bonds) and 1835-1844 (railay mania) in Germany with a focus on threat communication, knowledge and coping practices. (Anna Weininger, Christoph Blum, Daniel Menning, SFB 923)

Mission and Money

In my book-project I examine the transnationalization of Catholicism, which was largely carried out by Catholic “lay people” and a broad fundraising-movement. (Frederike Schotters)

Marketing: Advertising and the Boundaries of the Economy, 1400-1850

How to historicize markets? The project explores practices of marketing and advertising between 1400 and 1850 and discusses boundary-work in and on markets in the border region of the Lower Rhine. (Christina Brauner)

New Worlds of Goods

The PhD projects examines the quantitative and qualitative development of stationary retail trade in cities in the Württemberg region between 1700 and 1850. (Julietta Schulze)

Country Houses in Times of Change

Society and its transformations in German regions,18th to 20th centuries (Anne Sophie Overkamp, Daniel Menning, Christoph Schlemmer, Manuela Mann, Kira Keßler)

Village Shops

The project investigates the development of rural retailing in Germany and England between 1650 and 1810. (Jon Stobart, Henning Bovenkerk, Daniel Menning)


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