Institute of Modern History

Ruth Egger

Research Assistant and Doctoral Student


University of Tuebingen
Department of History
Wilhelmstr. 36
72074 Tübingen
+49 (0) 7071 29-77131

Email: ruth.eggerspam

Office hours

After taking contact.



room: Hegelbau, 2nd floor, room 203, alternatively via zoom

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2023
Research Assistant and Doctoral Student

at the Department of Modern History, University of Tübingen


Parental leave cover for the Curator of Fashion, Textiles and Jewellery, Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Decorative Arts) Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Assistant Curator

at the Department of Art and Cultural History, Landesmuseum Württemberg (Württemberg State Museum)


at the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie, Aubusson


at the Department of Art and Cultural History, Landesmuseum Württemberg (Württemberg State Museum)


at the “World Cultures” Department, National Museums Scotland, as well as in the Collections Management Team, Glasgow Museums

Master of Letters (MLitt.)

“Art History: Dress and Textile Histories” at the University of Glasgow. Title of the master thesis: “Mapping Dress and Identity. The Costumed Figures in John Speed’s Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, 1611-1612”

Costume Maker

Salzburger Landestheater (Salzburg State Theatre)

Manager of the Workshop

at “Kids in Fashion”, Vienna

Master’s Examination

for the Craft of Dressmaking, Innung für Mode und Bekleidungstechnik, Vienna

Master School

Costume Design and Making at the Secondary School of Fashion and Creative Design "Herbststrasse", Vienna

Magistra (Mag.)

Diploma programme in Celtic Studies at the University of Vienna. Title of diploma thesis: “Fairies, Witches, and the Devil. The Interface between Elite Demonology and Folk Belief in Early Modern Scottish Witchcraft Trials”

Project Assistant

for the relocation of the museum storage, Wien Museum (Vienna Museum)

Bachelor’s Degree Programme

in History, University of Vienna


Topic of the Dissertation:

Fabricated Geographies: Collecting Global Dress and Textiles in European Cabinets of Curiosities, ca. 1550–1700 (working title)

Research interests

  • Early Modern Cultural History

  • Dress and Textile Histories

  • Visual and Material Culture

  • Museums and Collections

  • History of the British Isles




  • Egger, Ruth. “Soft as Silk and Woven like Italian Velvet. European Collections and Representations of Palm Fibre Textiles from West Africa, c.1500-1700.” UCLouvain, Conference “Textile Materiality in the Early Modern Period”, 25-26 September 2024.
  • Egger, Ruth. “Shells, Feathers and Ahouai. Collecting and Reinterpreting Ritual Dress from the Americas in Early Modern Europe.” 11th Cambridge-Tübingen Workshop on Early Modern Religion, Tübingen, 16-17 September 2024.
  • Egger, Ruth. “‘Etliche von Bast gar künstlich gewirckte Kleider / Küssen und Tapeten.‘ Zur Sammlungspraxis von westafrikanischen Textilien und Kleidung in frühneuzeitlichen Kunstkammern.“ University of Jena, Forschungskolloquium zur Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, 20-21 June 2024.
  • Egger, Ruth. “Dressed in Sealskin. Greenlandic Inuit and the Gottorp Kunstkammer.” University of Cambridge, Workshop “Material Culture in the Early Modern World”, Lent Term 2024 “Identity, Performance and Dress”, 20 February 2024.
  • Egger, Ruth. “Translating Objects? Re-interpreting Dress and Textiles from Africa and the Americas in European Cabinets of Curiosities.” University of Tübingen, Workshop “Knowledge & Translation in the early modern Atlantic World”, 9 February 2024.
  • Egger, Ruth. “From Weave to Print. The Revival of a 14th-Century Motif on an Evening Cape by Maria Monaci Gallenga.” CIETA Congress 2023, “Renaissances and Revivals,” 2-5 October 2023.
  • Egger, Ruth. “Mapping Dress and Identity. The Costumed Figures in John Speed’s Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, 1611-1612.” The Association of Dress Historians, New Research in Dress History Conference, 7-13 June 2021.


  • unschwäbisch-pompös. 125 Jahre Landesgewerbemuseum
    16.09.2021–12.04.2022 at Haus der Wirtschaft Baden-Württemberg.

  • A Matter of Taste. Exemplary Design around 1900
    18.11.2021–01.05.2022 at Landesmuseum Württemberg (Württemberg State Museum).

  • Google Arts & Culture: A Matter of Taste. Exemplary Design around 1900

  • Google Arts & Culture: Fashioning Bodies and Gender. A Journey through Time at the Fashion Museum at Ludwigsburg Residential Palace

Professional Memberships

  • CIETA (Centre International d’Etude des Textiles Anciens), FR

  • The Costume Society, UK

  • The Association of Dress Historians, UK

  • Netzwerk Mode Textil, DE

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