Institute of Modern History

Johannes Gradel

Research Assistant


Department of History
Institute of Modern History
Wilhelmstraße 36
72074 Tübingen
+49 (0) 7071 29-78505


Hegelbau, 2nd floor, room 204, or via zoom

Appointments: Tuesday, 3.15pm-4.00pm (please send an e-mail in advance) or by individual arrangement.

Appointments during semester break: After taking contact via email.


since 05/2024
Research Assistant

in the DFG-funded project “Actors, Spaces, Translations: A History of Interactions and Relationships in the Capuchin Mission in the Kingdom of Kongo (c. 1645-1715)”

since 01/2023
Research Assistant

in the DFG Priority Programme 2130 “Cultures of Translation in Early Modern Times”

since 12/2022
Doctoral Student

Global History of the Early Modern Period, Department of Modern History, Tübingen University, supervised by Jun. Prof. Dr. Christina Brauner


in Medieval History, Tübingen University

Master’s programme of History and Latin Philology

at Tübingen University and the Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza


in Latin Philology, Tübingen University

Student Assistant

in the Emmy Noether research project “Power and Influence: Influencing Emperors between Antiquity and the Middle Ages”, Tübingen University

Bachelor’s programme of History and Latin Philology

at Tübingen University



PhD project

Actors, Spaces, Translations: A History of Interactions and Relationships in the Capuchin Mission in the Kingdom of Kongo (c. 1645-1715)


  • History of West Central Africa
  • Early Modern Mission History
  • 18th century cartography


  • Die vernachlässigte Seite des Atlantiks. Quellen und Methoden zu Westafrika im „Zeitalter der Entdeckungen“, Tagung "Klassische Themen des Geschichtsunterrichts globalgeschichtlich perspektiviert", Braunschweig, 29th Februar 2024.
  • Tracing the wild dog. Interpreting African knowledge about animals in a Capuchin mission report (1712) and its translations, Informeller Workshop "Knowledge & Translation in the early modern Atlantic World", Tübingen, 9th Februar 2024.
  • The elephant in the room. De-centring an episode in Girolamo da Montesarchio's report of the Capuchin mission in the Kingdom of Kongo (17th century), 10th Cambridge-Tübingen Workshop, Cambridge, 11th September 2023.