Department of Computer Science

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science!

Start of studies in the summer semester Learn more  

Courses in the summer semester  Overview in Alma  

Wilhelm Schickard ushered in the era of computing devices in Tübingen – and never has computer science been as exciting as today, almost 400 years later. The more than 40 groups of the Wilhelm-Schickard Institute (WSI) teach, research and apply computer science at top level.

The research focus of the institute lies in the core areas of computer science as well as in bioinformatics, media informatics and cognitive science. Tübingen's computer scientists benefit from the diverse research environment within and outside the University of Tübingen.

The focus on machine learning is currently being rapidly expanded, in particular through the Cluster of Excellence "Machine Learning in Science" and the Baden-Württemberg Cyber Valley Initiative, which also includes the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the University of Stuttgart. Together with these strong partners, the Department of Computer Science forms one of the centres for machine learning in Germany and Europe.

The study of computer science in Tübingen is correspondingly versatile and at the pulse of time: Join us in studying this young science in our Bachelor's and Master's programmes and become part of the success story!

Facts & Numbers



ERC Consolidator Grant for Philipp Hennig

Prof. Philipp Hennig's AI research will receive €2 million in funding from the EU over the next five…

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Alfried Krupp Prize for Zeynep Akata Schulz

Cluster professor Prof. Dr. Zeynep Akata Schulz has been awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize 2023.

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Teaching Award for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonathan Brachthäuser

The Teaching Award of the Board of Studies of the Department of Computer Science in recognition of…

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Tübingen Computer Science shines in new CHE ranking

With its bachelor’s programs in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Media…

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Teaching Award for Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jonathan Brachthäuser

The Teaching Award of the Board of Studies of the Department of Computer Science in recognition of…

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Teaching Award for Dr. Armando Cabrera Pacheco

The Teaching Award of the Academic Council of the Department of Computer Science in recognition of…

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Andreas Geiger receives Sage’s 10-Year Impact Award

Publication on KITTI dataset one of the three most cited articles published in Sage journals over…

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Alfried Krupp Prize for Zeynep Akata Schulz

Cluster professor Prof. Dr. Zeynep Akata Schulz has been awarded the Alfried Krupp Prize 2023.

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New professorship at the Department of Computer Science

A warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Georg Martius, who as of April 1st 2023 holds the new chair for…

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ELLIS PhD Symposium in February 2021

PhD students from the Computer Science Department and the ML Competence Center take part in…

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IBMI Colloquium starts on 18.03.2022

with a lecture by Prof. Dr. Mihai Pop (University of Maryland) entitled "Making Uncertainty Explicit…

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3. KuVS Fachgespräch "Network Softwarization" 07.–08.04.2022 (online)

This workshop discusses advances in Software-defined networking (SDN), network function…

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Job Listings

No news available.

General News


New professorship at the Department of Computer Science

A warm welcome to Prof. Dr. Georg Martius, who as of April 1st 2023 holds the new chair for…

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New Independent Research Group at the Cluster of Excellence 'Machine Learning'

Dr. Claire Vernade is head of the Independent Research Group 'Lifelong Reinforcement Learning'.

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Obituary for Prof. Dr. Rolf Niedermeier

It was with sadness and dismay that we recently heard of the death of Rolf Niedermeier.

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