Department of Computer Science

Offers for Prospective Students – "Schnupperstudium"

Our "Schnupperstudium" ("Get Your Toes Wet") program opens university courses for high school students. These are regular lecture courses usually frequented by enrolled students in their early semesters of studying computer science. By sitting in on these courses, high school students get a lively taste of the subject matters and questions in informatics and its "hyphenated" neighbouring disciplines (such as bio-informatics). It is not necessary to apply or register for the program's courses, which are held in German.

In computer science, the following courses are open:

In winter term:

  • Informatik I
  • Mathematik für Informatiker I
  • Einführung in die Technische Informatik

In summer term:

  • Informatik II
  • Mathematik für Informatiker II
  • Informatik der Systeme
  • Einführung in Internettechnologien
  • Einführung in die Bioinformatik

Further information on the "Schnupperstudium" at the University of Tübingen can be found here.

"Tübinger Schnupperwoche" for high school students

The "Tübinger Schnupperwoche" takes place annually during fall break and addresses high school students of grades 11 through 13. The Schnupperwoche offers an opportunity to obtain in-depth information on studies in biochemistry, chemisty, computer science (incl. bioinformatics, media informatics, medical informatics), mathematics, physics, and other natural science disciplines. The event is organized by representatives of the participating departments and headed by the Dean of the Science Faculty of the University of Tübingen. More information can be found here.

BOGY (Berufs- und Studienorientierung am Gymnasium)

Sorry, there is currently no offer for a BOGY internship in the department of computer science.

In recent years, the Computer Science Department has offered students the opportunity to get to know computer science as part of a BOGY internship. During the course of the week, students got a taste of many areas of computer science, including practical computer science (programming, etc.), technical computer science (hardware, robots, etc.), theoretical computer science (mathematics is an important part of computer science), media computer science and bioinformatics. In addition, visits to lectures or participation in student internships were also offered.

 More information about a BOGY internship in other subjects at the Faculty of Science can be found on their website.