Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Institute for Archaeological Sciences

The Institute for Archaeological Sciences (INA) builds on a long tradition of excellence in archaeology, anthropology, and natural science research at the University of Tübingen. Encompassing researchers from the Faculty of Science and Faculty of Humanities—with professors based in both the department of Geosciences and department of Ancient Studies and Art History—the Institute emphasizes a broad approach to understanding the human past through the lens of the natural sciences. Although interdisciplinary in nature and goal, the Institute is structurally organized into 7 wings.

Each wing consists of staff responsible for research, teaching, technical support and administration, and is managed by a wing head. Laboratories and collections are also managed within these wings. More information can be found by following the photo links below.

Stone Age Archaeology
Archaeo- and Palaeogenetics

Several of the wings in the INA are also affiliated with the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoenvironment (SHEP) at the University of Tübingen. 

In addition to research, the Institute offers a full range of teaching programs in paleoanthropology, archaeological science and human evolution, from the Bachelor to PhDs.

Update: Masters Student Offers 24/25

This is to update applicants of the Masters of Archaeological and Evolutionary Science (ASHE) that the email notifying you of the outcome of your applciation have been sent.

If you are successful please contact the fachshaft via their email address for more information about assistance with housing and meeting the rest of your new cohort.

nwafachschaftspam prevention@gmail.com


 !!! New Students Introduction Meeting !!!

  • 14 October at 10am in Hörsaal 8 Neue Aula 

Compulsory introduction and orientation meeting for all new students in the Institute for Archaeological Sciences


 !!! New Student Lab Tours !!!

Please enrol for the compulsory lab tours on ALMA (timetable also on ALMA under ASHE2)


  •  !!! New Student Fachschaft Events !!!
  • Monday 14/10: walking tour and get to know you drinks (after Geoarchaeology lab tour)
  • Thursday 17/10: mixer event with second years 



ASHE Colloquium

On pause for summer break - returning in October

When: Every Friday at 10 ct - 12 noon
Where: Geology Building (Hölderlinstr. 12) in room S320

Stone Age Archaeology Colloquium
When: Every Thursday at 11 c.t.
Where: The practice room of the castle.

Masters Colloquium
When: 18.10.2024 (10.00-15.30)
Where: Geology Building Room S320 (Hölderlinstr./Sigwartstr.)

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