Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Master graduates 2024 (M.Sc.)

Johanna FerberMore Than Just Names Carved in Stone - An Analysis of the Early Medieval to Early
Modern Skeletal Remains from St. Peter and Paul, Reichenau-Niederzell, Germany 
Francken, HarvatiPalaeoanthropology 
Pauline HofleitnerUpper Body Trauma in Neanderthals and Upper Paleolithic Homo Sapiens: A
Comparative Population-Level Analysis 
Harvati, BeierPalaeoanthropology 
Elizabeth NistAn Indicator of Activity or Inactivity? Exploring the Etiology of Osteoarthritis
Through an Integrative Approach with Validated Entheseal Markers of Activity
Karakostis, HarvatiPalaeoanthropology 
Katharina RymerProvenance research on unidentified human skeletal remains in the Osteological
Collection Tübingen 
Harvati, RathmannPalaeoanthropology 
Vivienne VentA Virtual Cranial Reconstruction of Neolithic Subadult Remains from Frankfurt-
Fechenheim, Germany, and Conceptual Design of a Museum Exhibition 
Harvati, RödingPalaeoanthropology 
Lucrezia TeodoriInvestigating Early Neolithic Subsistence and Livestock management: A
Zooarchaeological analysis of Movila lui Deciov, Romania 
Starkovich, KraußZooarchaeology 
Tamara MichaelisReconstructing Animal Mobility. Oxygen and carbon isotope analyses applied to
animal remains from the site of Mesa Redonda (Seville, Spain) 
Diaz-Zorita Bonilla, GreiffArchaeometry 
Shuqin GuoExamining double perforated ivory beads: A glimpse into the social-economic life of
Swabian Aurignacian inhabitants 
Conard, WolfStone Age 
Joshua LondonTracking Upper Palaeolithic Identity and Exchange Networks with Red Deer Cervus
elaphus Maxillary Canine Ornaments in the Swabian Jura & Southwest France
Conard, VanhaerenStone Age 
Andrina LerchiCombining ZooMS and aDNA to Identify Roman Equid Hybrids: Evidence from
Dangstetten, Germany 
Posth, BrownArchaeo- and
Britta Van TielAn archaeogenomic investigation of the skeletal remains from Bronze Age Tell
Mozan, Upper Mesopotamia 
Posth, FeldmanArchaeo- and

Die Master Absolventen 2024 (M.Sc. ART-W CIVIS)

Name Title of the Master's Thesis Examiners Further Supervision
Viola Fratta Mechanics, Raw Materials and Methods: Investigating the Raw Material
Economy during the Southern African Middle Stone Age at Sibhudu
Conard, Bracco Schmidt
Scholastic Watadza The flake production in relation to macro scrapers technology during the Oakhurst of Bushman Rock Shelter Conard, Bracco Porraz
Valentin Blanchard On the production sequence of 1st Mesolithic geometric armatures from
Les Charmes, Sermoyer, France
Conard, Lemorini Floss
Nico Magliozzi Continuities and differences between two MSA industries from East Africa:
The Sanzako and Kisele layers from Mumba Rockshelter, Tanzania
Conard, Lemorini Bader
Dione Brown The techno-morphological and usewear analysis of ostrich eggshell beads
and preforms from the Later Stone Age occupation at Bushman Rock
Shelter in Limpopo, South Africa
Conard, Bracco Alarashi, Val
Margaux Jouines Set in Stone? A Closer Look on (Pre)Historical Attributions of the Engravings
of the Parisian Basin via an Experimental Approach
Conard, Gallinaro Floss
Ayanda Mabuza Tracing Archaeological Heritage in the Kingdom of eSwatini: An exploration
of rock art sites unveiling cultural significance, regional patterns,
conservation challenges, and insights into preservation influences by
community perceptions and local practices
Conard, Gallinaro Bader


Master graduates 2023 (M.Sc.)

Name Topic
Gläßer Carla A Paleopathologie Examination of Possible Soldiers from the Thirty Years' War
Lorenz Pia "'The world on their shoulders": Reconstructing labour differences by socio-economic status in a medieval context
Gonzalez-Fernandez Pablo The Bronze Age human remains from Cape Trafalgar (Cádiz, Spain). Paleodiet, paleomobility, and activity reconstruction
Tsimopoulou Chrysoula Biting into the Past: A multidisciplinary approach to reconstructing mastication patterns in bioatchaelogical contexts
Neuwirth Kevin Machine learning and virtual anthropology: Sex estimation models based on cranial landmarks
Watson Laura Abusir el-Meleq along the Nile: A Dental Non-Metric Analysis and its Implications for the Peopling of Ancient Egypt
Kaul Franziska Tracing human mobility through genetic analysis in Medieval Tuscany
Müller-Sussi Cosima Paleogenetic investigation of infectious diseases across the Roman Empire
Russel Alexis Agriculture on the Transtigridian Plains: An Archaeobotanical Study of the Early Bronze Age at Bassetki
Möller Gunther Jojosi 1 (KwaZula-Natal, South Africa). An open-air knapping site of the Early Middle Stone Age revisited
Singh Natasha Functional analysis of the late Lower Palaeolithic lithic assemblage from Schöningen 12 II-1 (Lower Saxony, Germany)
Panagiotopoulou Theoni Magdalenian environments and ecosystems: The case of Gnirshöhle

Master graduates 2022 (M.Sc.)

Name Topic Degree course
Dustin Welper The last Romans. Anthropological studies of the skeletal material from Frankfurt a.M.-Praunheim. First study on the paleo-demographic distribution of the last Roman population of Nida. MSc Paläoanthropologie
Kim Apholz The many faces of microcephaly: Why size does matter
Harvati, Karakostis
MSc Paläoanthropologie
Salma Ibrahim  Deciduous vs. Permanent Denition: Susceptibility to Microwear MSc Paläoanthropologie
David Naumann Quantitative analysis of enthesis morphology in humeri ofEarly Medieval Alamannic individuals by consideration ofgrave goods as indicators of behavioral differences MSc Paläoanthropologi
Kelsey Moreland Ancient DNA from the Upper Paleolithic Mammoth Ivory of Hohle Fels, Germany MSc Paläogenetik
Valentin Garcia-Huidobro Diet and subsistence of hunter-gatherers in Cerro Benítez, Chilean Patagonia: a zooarchaeological perspective MSc Zooarchäologie
Luca Michaelis Going Holistic - Comparing ZooMS-Generated Taxonomic Data with the Zooarchaeological Record at Geißenklösterle Cave (Swabian Jura, Germany) MSc Zooarchäologie
Marcel Frenken Alchemy in Mannheim? - Mineralogical and chemical analysis of 17th-18th century technical ceramics and lead glazed earthernware MSc Archäometrie
Eirini Koutouvaki Pottery Traditions during the Emergence of the First States. Analysis of the Late Chalcolithic 3-5 pottery assemblage from the Eastern Habur area, Iraqi Kurdistan MSc Archäometrie
Deepthi Pavitra A Technological Study of Chalcolithic Pottery from Poduri (Romania) MSc Archäometrie
Lourdes Tamayo-Caceres Differentiating between Perimortem and Postmortem trauma: the case of Phaleron funerary contexts MSc Paläoanthropologie
Rocio Lourdes Herrera Reyes   MSc Paläoanthropologie
Kim Elisa Hofmann   MSc Paläoanthropologie


Master graduates 2021/22 (M.A.)

Name Reviewer Topic

Robin Andrews

Floss, Conard

Die knöchernde Industrie aus Germolles

Jessica Schiller


Das Mittelpaläolithikum aus Bissy-sur-Fley

Masters graduates 2020 (M.A.)

Masters graduates 2020 (M.Sc.)

Name First name Topic
Heutz-Della Vite Daria Biological Distance Analysis of non-metric deciduous upper and lower second molar traits through PERMANOVA and Betadisper models
Marciales Daza Mauricio Diet Reconstruction through Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Analysis: the Bronze Age Population at the Biniadrís Cave (Menorca, Spain)
Mathur Arvin Biomolecular investigations of pottery use and cuisine during Periods 1 and 2 at Harappa, Pakistan
Meza Paggi Jorge Oxygen Isotope Variability among Modern Fauna from the Lower Guadalquivir Valley, Spain: Implications for Achaeological Applications in Mediterranean Climates
Qarni Awais An Experimental Geoarchaeological Investigation of Pyrotechnological Installations used in Ceramic Production
Rau Lucas Belege der ersten Siedlung in Filderstadt-Bernhausen? Die anthropologische Auswertung der Skelettreste aus der frühmittelaterlichen Nekropole
Zastrow Julia Microfauna from Ha Makotoko - A Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Phuthiatsana Basin, Lesotho, during the Pleistocene/Holocene transition
Dinckal Ada Geoarchaeological Investigations at the site of Diepkloof Rockshelter (DRS), South Africa
Seidler Johannes The life of a kiln - Micromorphological and archaeometric analysis of a neo-assyrian pyrotechnological installation
Weingarten Arianna Ancient DNA analysis of faunal petrous bones from the Lower Paleolithic site of Schöningen 
Stavropoulos Anastasios The mtDNA genome of the first Neanderthal specimen from Serbia
Fernández-Palacios Enrique Approaching formation processes at the aboriginal site of Belmaco Cave (La Palma, Canary Islands) through the combined use of soil micormorphology and lipid biomarker analyisis

Masters graduates 2019 (M.A.)

Masters graduates 2019 (M.Sc.)

Name First name Topic
Mittelstädt Katja Mehr als Rost und Eisen - Materialanalytik an metallurgischen Funden aus dem Vicus von Eisenberg
Habinger Sophie Camels in the Roman Empire - A new approach to life history and mobility of camels using stable carbon and oxygen isotopes
Heck Anika Luzia Hella Investigating animal-human relationships in Northern Iraq - Faunal analysis of the sites Bassetki and Muqable III, Kurdistan
Fratucello Lioba Dating of sediments from Pomongwe Cave, Zimbabwe: A first approximation
Kunze Jana Ontogenetic three-dimensional analysis of the overall geometry and entheseal patterns of human hand bones
Labra Odde Catalina Rediscovering the Fourth Settlement of Troy Through Organic Residue Analysis
Lismann Stephanie Wenige Gräber und viele Fragen - Die anthropologische Untersuchung der Skelettreste aus dem frühbronzezeitlichen Friedhof von Ammerbuch - Reusten "Stützbrunnen"
Mata-González Mario Subsistence Strategies during the Late Pleistocene at Ghar-e Boof (Southern Zagros Mountains, Iran)
Pathé Leonie The women of the Saqqara Saite Tomb Project - Egyptian mummy investigations suggest a female tendency
Roditi Effrosyni Revisiting the faunal remains from Asprochaliko rockshelter: Subsistence strategies in Middle and Upper Paleolithic Epirus, Greece
Schöberl Claudia Archaeometric Investigations of Late Roman Nummi with XRF Analysis
Seitz Natascha Franken oder Alamannen, Migration oder Akkulturation? Das frühmittelalterliche Gräberfeld von Stuttgart / Bad Canstatt
Tarusawa Yumeko Full mitochondrial genomes and Individual Based Model of the Upper Paleolithic red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) from the Swabian Jura, South-western Germany

Masters graduates 2018 (M.A.)

Masters graduates 2017 (M.Sc.)

Masters graduates 2015 (M.A.)

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