
Bioinformatics-based potential therapeutic approach against COVID-19

Widespread media coverage of SARS-CoV-2 research results presented by Jun.-Prof. Andreas and Alina Renz

An alveolar macrophage infected by the coronavirus is forced to produce new virus particles

Proliferation of the COVID-19 virus is only possible through reprogramming the metabolism of its human host and exploiting their enzymes. With the help of a detailed computer model by the Computational Systems Biology of Infection group of Jun.-Prof. Andreas Dräger it is now possible to identify the human enzyme which is ncessary for COVID-19 virus proliferation, but whose function is not essential for cell preservation. Thus this enzyme may be a suitable target for an antiviral agent. The results of this study have been published in the current issue of the Bioinformatics journal (FBA reveals guanylate kinase as a potential target for antiviral therapies against SARS-CoV-2).

In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME in Hamburg, scientists are now investigating whether medical treatment targeting this enzyme will inhibit coronavirus proliferation.





Official press release by the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF):
SARS-CoV-2: Bioinformatiker entdecken eine neue Schwachstelle des Virus (German only)

Interview with the Tübingen University:
Potentielles Wirkstoffziel: Wie das Ausschalten eines Enzyms das Virus SARS-CoV-2 stoppen könnte (German only)

Here a selection of media features:
- n-tv: Durchbruch ebnet Weg zu Corona-Medikament (German only)
- SWR: Neuer Ansatz für Corona-Therapie an Tübinger Uni (German only)
- Berliner Zeitung: Covid-19: Bioinformatiker entdecken Schwachstelle des Coronavirus (German only)
- MDR: Jena, Dresden, Tübingen - vielversprechende Ansätze für ein Corona-Medikament (German only)
- Computer Bild: Coronavirus: Deutsche Bioinformatiker entwickeln Therapie (German only)
- bTV: Bulgarian TV feature (Bulgarian only)
- Schwäbisches Tagblatt: Durchbruch im Kamp gegen das Virus? (German only)
- c’t 2021, issue 3, p 40: https://www.heise.de/select/ct/2021/3 (German only, registration required)
- Isna: Feature in the Iranian Students' News Agency (Persian only)
