Blanco-Lapaz, A., Martínez-Monzón, A., Blain, H-A., Cuenca-Bescós, G. 2021Early-Middle Pleistocene freshwater ecosystems in the Sierra de atapuerca (northern Iberia) based on the Gran Dolina fisch record. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110444
Starkovich, B.M., Cuthbertson, P., Kitagawa, K., Thompson, N.C., Konidaris, G.E., Rots, V., Münzel, S.C., Giusti, D., Schmid, V.C., Blanco-Lapaz, A., Lepers, C and Tourloukis, V.2020. Minimal Tools, Maximum Meat: A Pilot Experiment to Butcher an Elephant Foot and Make Elephant Bone Tools Using Lower Paleolithic Stone Tool Technology. Ethnoarchaeology. DOI:10.1080/19442890.2020.1864877
Blanco-Lapaz, A., Mata-González, M., Starkovich, B.M., Zeidi, M., Conard, N.J. 2020. The Microvertebrate Assemblage of Ghar-e Boof (Iran): New data for the Late Pleistoce Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Southern Zagros Mountains. Proceedings III MVWG Meeting. Tarragona 2020.
Agustí, J., Pinero, P., Furió, M., Blain, H-A., Blanco-Lapaz, A., Oms, O., Chochisvili, G., Lordkipanidze, D. 2020. Small vertebrates from the upper Miocene hominoid-bearing site of Udabno, Georgia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2019.1716776
Blanco-Lapaz. A. 2019. 15. Fische in: Löwenmensch und mehr. 5. Die Grabungen 2009 bis 2013 in der Stadel-Höhle. Forschungen und Berichte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg, Kind, C-J (Hrsg.)
Münzel, S.C., Hess, T., Blanco-Lapaz, A., Conard, N.J. 2019. Faunal remains of Helga Abri, a Late Magdalenian/Early Mesolithic rockshelter in the Ach Valley near Schelklingen (Swabian Jura). Proceedings of the Hugo Obermaier Meeting 2019.
Blain, H-A., Agustí, J., Lozano-Fernández, I., Pinero, P., Sánchez-Bandera, C., Jimémenez-Moreno, J.M. 2018. Investigating the paleoecological context of the earliest hominin settlement in western Europe using small vertebrates. Proceedings in 13th ICAZ. Paleoecology of the Quaternary using Microvertebrate records.
Antolín F., Berihuete, M., Blanco-Lapaz, A., Buxó, R., Garcia, L., Marlasca, R., Naarrete, V., Saña, M. and Verdún, E. 2018. El rebost domèstic i el rebost salvatge in La Revolució Neolítica. La Draga, el poblat dels prodigis. ISBN 9788439396505. pp 45-50
Blanco, A., Szabó, M., Blanco-Lapaz, A. and Marmi, J. 2017. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes from northeastern Iberia. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 465:278-294
Rey-Rodríguez, I., López-García, J.M., Bennàsar, M., Bañuls-Cardona, S., Blain, H-A., Blanco-Lapaz, A., Rodríguez-Alvárez, X-P., Lombera-Hermida, A., Díaz-Rodríguez, M., Ameijenda-Igleisas, A., Agustí, J., Fábregas-Valcarce, R. 2016. Last Neanderthals and first Anatomically Modern Humans in the NW Iberian Peninsula: Climatic and environmental conditions inferred from the Cova Eirós small-vertebrate assemblage during MIS 3. Quaternary Science Reviews 151:185-197
Blanco-Lapaz, A. and Vergès, J-M. 2016. Fish remains from the Neolithic site of El Mirador cave (Atapuerca, Spain): Seasonality and resource management. Comptes Rendus Palevol 15(6). DOI: 10.1016/j.crpv.2015.09.007
Blanco-Lapaz, A. and Solís, G. 2014. Restoration of mounted animals – new techniques in old taxidermies. Journal of Paleontological Techniques Special Volume 13:70-74
Blanco-Lapaz, A. 2009. Processing and mounting of a red neck ualabi skeleton (Macropus rufogriseus). Paleontologia I Evolució, Memòria especial 4(2009):169-173)
Blanco-Lapaz, A. and Orta, C. 2009. Naturalization of an ophidia (Eunectes murinus). Paleontologia I Evolució, Memòria especial 4(2009):241-244
Roqué, L., Blanco-Lapaz, A. and Orta, C. 2009. Falco tinnunculus skeleton preparation. Paleontologia i Evolució, memoria especial 4(2009):245-251
Blanco-Lapaz, A. 2005. Estudio de Canariomys bravoi (Crusafont y Petter, 1964) del Plio-Cuaternario de las Islas Canarias. Un ejemplo de evolución insular. Miscelánea Paleontológica SEPAZ, pp. 187-204