
Naihui Wang

Contact information

Email: naihui.wangspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de 

Address: Hölderlinstraße 12, 72074 Tübingen


My research focuses on utilizing ZooMS (Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry) to analyze faunal assemblages from key prehistoric sites across Eurasia, including Vogelherd, Lusakert, and Chogha Golan. By integrating ZooMS with traditional zooarchaeological data, I investigate specific subsistence strategies and human-animal interactions in these regions. Additionally, I am interested in studying protein deamidation (a Post-translational Modification) as an indicator of preservation, as well as developing ZooMS markers for identifying extinct species in East Asia.


Naihui Wang, Nicholas J. Conard, Katerina Douka. “Integrating morphological and ZooMS-based approaches to zooarchaeology at Vogelherd Cave in Southwestern Germany”, PaleoAnthropology, 2024, Special Issue.

Naihui Wang, Samantha Brown, Peter Ditchfield, Sandra Hebestreit, Maxim Kozilikin, Sindy Luu, Oshan Wedage Stefano Grimaldi, Michael Chazan, Liora Horwitz Kolska, Matthew Spriggs, Glenn Summerhayes, Michael Shunkov, Kristine Korzow Richter, Katerina Douka. "Testing the efficacy and comparability of ZooMS protocols on archaeological bone." Journal of Proteomics 233 (2021): 104078.

Samantha Brown, Naihui Wang, Annette Oertle, Maxim B. Kozlikin, Michael V. Shunkov, Anatoly P. Derevianko, Daniel Comeskey, Blair Jope-Street, Virginia L. Harvey, Manasij Pal Chowdhury, Michael Buckley, Thomas Higham, Katerina Douka. "Zooarchaeology through the lens of collagen fingerprinting at Denisova Cave." Scientific Reports 11, no. 1 (2021): 15457.

Naihui Wang, Yang Xu, Zhuowei Tang, Cunding He, Xin Hu, Yinqiu Cui, Katerina Douka. "Large-scale application of palaeoproteomics (Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry) in two Palaeolithic faunal assemblages from China." Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290, no. 2009 (2023): 20231129.

Yang Xu, Naihui Wang, Shizhu Gao, Chunxiang Li, Pengcheng Ma, Shasha Yang, Hai Jiang, Shoujin Shi, Yanhua Wu, Quanchao Zhang, Yinqiu Cui. "Solving the two-decades-old murder case through joint application of ZooMS and ancient DNA approaches." International Journal of Legal Medicine 137, no. 2 (2023): 319-327.


2021 - 2024: PhD candidate, Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology, University of Tübingen, Germany

  • Dissertation title: Development and application of palaeoproteomics (ZooMS) on Palaeolithic assemblages from Europe and East Asia

2019 - 2024: PhD researcher (ERC FINDER project), Department of Archeology, Max Planck Institute for the Geoanthropology, Germany

2016 -2019: M.A., Department of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University, China

  • Thesis title: Identification of archaeological fermented residue using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

2012 -2016: B.Sc., Department of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University, China

  • Thesis title: The degradation of buried Chinese Yellow wine, characterised by amino acids using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS)



2025: Postdoctoral researcher, Institute for Archaeological Sciences, University of Tübingen, Germany

2024 -2025: Postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Geoanthropology, Germany


Field Work

2024: Fieldwork at Sibudu, South Africa. 8 weeks.

2022: Fieldwork at Hohle Fels, in the Lone Valley, Germany. 4 weeks.

2021: Lab collaboration on ZooMS, Jilin University, China. 6 months.

2020: Summer school, “Practical Palaeoproteomics”, Copenhagen, Denmark

2017: Archaeological fieldwork at Neolithic Sunjia site, Xianyang, China. 1 month.

2016: Anthropological fieldwork in Wuling mountains, Jishou, China. 2 weeks.

2016: Training of starch grain observation, Xiamen University, China

2015: Summer school, “History and Archaeology”, Sun Yat-Sen University, China

2014: Summer school, “Archaeology and Science”, Shandong University, China

2014: Archaeological survey along Silk Road in Xinjiang, China. 2 weeks.


Presentations and Conferences

2024: Poster “Examining human-animal interactions of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene in the Zagros Mountains using ZooMS”. European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE) 2024 meeting, Zagreb, Croatia

2023: Presentation “The zooarchaeological research history at Vogelherd Cave”. Workshop “Integrating ZooMS and zooarchaeology”, Canterbury, UK

2022: Poster “New human fossils and Occupation history of Vogelherd Cave revealed by Multi-analytical approaches”. European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE) 2022 meeting, Tübingen, Germany

2021: Presentation “Preliminary ZooMS application on Paleolithic sites in East Asia” The 10th meeting of Asian Paleolithic Association, Zhengzhou, China

2020: Presentation “ZooMS as a new archaeological technique and its case studies”, Henan University, China

2018: Presentation “The traditional distilling technique of maize spirit in Miao village”, The 13th National Symposium on Science History in China, Nanjing, China


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