Department of Computer Science


JarInspector is an application which shows how automatic layout can be used in reverse engineering. The program takes Java byte-code as input, either from a Java archive (jar) or from class files stored in a directory hierarchy, and generates an UML model from it, which contains the following information:

  • Each class or interface defined in the byte-code, 
  • all generalization relationship between classes/interfaces, 
  • all package dependencies, and
  • associations which are defined by a field of a class.

The content of the generated UML model can be browsed interactively by the user. For each selected view of the model, a diagram is generated automatically and layouted by our algorithm.


JarInspector consists of a single executable jar file.

Press here to download it.


In order to run JarInspector you need a Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or higher.

Getting Started

Download JarInspector, change to the directory where you downloaded the file and type the following command into your shell:

java -Xmx128M -jar JarInspector [input-file]

The input file is an optional argument, and can specify a jar file to visualize.

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