Dr. Anna Belardinelli
Computer Science, Cognitive Modeling
University of Tübingen
Sand 14
72076 Tübingen
Room C418
Phone: +49 7071 29-75464
Fax: +49 7071 29-5719
Since February 2012: Postdoc researcher at the University of Tübingen in the Cognitive Modeling group of Prof. Dr. Martin Butz.
March 2009-January 2012: Postdoc researcher at CITEC (Cognitive Interaction Technology Center of Excellence), Bielefeld University, on the TACES project, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Werner Schneider (Neuro-Cognitive Psychology) and Prof. Dr. Jochen Steil (Computer Science, CoR-Lab).
2005-2009: PhD student at the Department of Computer and Systems Science (DIS), Sapienza University of Rome. Final Dissertation: "Salience features selection: Deriving a model from human evidence". Supervisor: Prof. Fiora Pirri.
2005: MSc Degree in Computer Engineering , Sapienza University of Rome, with a thesis on Head movements learning via Hidden Markov Models.
Research Interests
- Eye-hand coordination
- Perceptual aspects of action and object interaction
- Sensorimotor behaviour modelling
- Computational models of visual attention
Find out more on this short portrait for the University of Tübingen
The Eye, the Hand and the Object: sensorimotor features for action recognition in object interaction
(supported by the Institutional Strategy of the University of
Tübingen (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, ZUK 63) )
Other Activities
- 2018: Invited Talk at the Vision Science Colloquium, Bielefeld University
- 2017: Invited Talk at the Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Tübingen
- 2016: Invited talk in the symposium "Cognition and manual action", at KogWis 2016
- 2016: in the Program Committee at KogWis2016
- 2016: Student Volunteer Chair at CogSci 2016
- 2015: Organiser of the Symposium "Anticipatory object interaction: perceptual and motor aspects" at ICSC 2015, Rome, 7 September 2015, together with prof. Martin Butz
- 2015: Student Volunteer Chair at CogSci 2015
- 2014: Invited talk at ISACS 2014, 7th International Symposium on Attention in Cognitive Systems, Bielefeld
- 2014: Advisory editor for Cognitive Processing, Springer
- 2014: Student Volunteer Chair at CogSci 2014
- 2014: Local organiser of KogWis 2014, the 12th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society, Tübingen, 29 September-3 October 2014.
- 2011: Member of the organising team of the 2011 CITEC Summer School "Mechanisms of attention-From experimental studies to technical systems", Bielefeld, 3-8 October 2011.
- Lohmann, J., Belardinelli, A., & Butz, M.V. (2019). Hands in Mind and Motion: Active Inference in Peripersonal Hand Space. Vision, in press.
- Belardinelli, A., Lohmann, J., Farnè, A., & Butz, M. V. (2018). Mental space maps into the future. Cognition, Vol. 176, July 2018, 65-73.
- A. Belardinelli. Object-Based Attention: Cognitive and Computational Perspectives (2016). In From Human Attention to Computational Attention. Mancas, Ferrera, Riche, & Taylor Eds.,Springer, 271-289
- A. Belardinelli, M. Barabas, M. Himmelbach and M.V. Butz (2016). Anticipatory Eye Fixations Reveal Tool Knowledge For Tool Interaction. Experimental Brain Research, 234(8):2415-31.
- A. Belardinelli, M. Stepper and M.V. Butz (2016). It’s in the Eyes: Planning Precise Manual Actions Before Execution. Journal of Vision, Vol.16, 18. doi:10.1167/16.1.18
- A. Belardinelli, O. Herbort and M.V. Butz (2015). Goal-oriented gaze strategies afforded by object interaction. Vision Research, 106, 47-57. Heat and Saliency Maps
- A. Belardinelli and M.V. Butz (Eds., 2014). Proceedings of the 12th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society. Special Issue in Cognitive Processing, 15(1).
- A. Belardinelli, J. M. Kurz, E. F. Kutter, H. Neumann, H.-O. Karnath, M.V. Butz (2014). Modeling Simultanagnosia. In P. Bello, M. Guarini, M. McShane, & B. Scassellati (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, 1911-1916.
- A. Belardinelli and M.V. Butz (2014). Report on the Thirty-Fifth Annual Cognitive Science Conference. AI Magazine, 35(2).
- A. Belardinelli and M.V. Butz (2013). Gaze strategies in object identification and manipulation. Proc. of the 35th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
- A. Belardinelli, A. Carbone and W. X. Schneider (2013). Classification of multiscale spatiotemporal energy features for video segmentation and dynamic objects prioritisation. Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(7), 713-722
- M.V. Butz, A. Belardinelli and S. Ehrenfeld (2012). Modeling body state-dependent multisensory integration. Cognitive Processing, 13 (1), 113-116.
- A. Belardinelli and A. Carbone (2012). Motion statistics at the saccade landing point: attentional capture by spatiotemporal features in a gaze-contingent reference. Proc. SPIE Photonics Europe. Optics, Photonics & Digital Technologioes for Multimedia, Proc. SPIE vol. 8436.
- A. Belardinelli (2011). Qualitative segmentation of spatiotemporal features for dynamic objects prioritisation. Proc. Workshop on Recognition and Action for Scene Understanding (REACTS)
- M. Wischnewski, A. Belardinelli, W.X. Schneider and J.J. Steil (2010). Where to Look Next? Combining Static and Dynamic Proto-objects in a TVA-based Model of Visual Attention. Cognitive Computation, 2 (4) , p. 326 – 343
- A. Belardinelli, W.X. Schneider and J.J. Steil (2010). OOP: Object-Oriented-Priority for Motion Saliency Maps. Proc. BICS 2010 Conference on Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems, 370 - 381
- A. Belardinelli (2010). Attending to Motion: an object-based approach. In Cognitive Robotics, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings.
- A. Belardinelli, F. Pirri, and A. Carbone (2009). Motion Saliency Maps from Spatiotemporal Filtering. WAPCV 2008, LNAI 5395, 112-123
- A.Belardinelli, F.Pirri and A. Carbone (2008). Gaze motion clustering in scan-path estimation. Cognitive Processing, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Volume 9(4), 269-282
- A.Belardinelli, F.Pirri and A. Carbone (2007). Bottom-up gaze shifts and fixations learning, by imitation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-B, Vol.37-2, 256-271
- A.Belardinelli, F.Pirri and A.Carbone (2006). Spatial discrimination in task-driven attention. Proc. 15th IEEE RO-MAN, 321-327
- A. Belardinelli, F. Pirri, and A. Carbone (2006). Robot task-driven attention, In Proc. International Symposium on Practical Cognitive Agents & Robots (PCAR 06), Pages 117-128
- A. Belardinelli and F. Pirri (2006). A biologically plausible robot attention model, based on space and time, Cognitive Processing, 7 (5), Pages 11-14, Springer