Department of Computer Science

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor degree in subject related to machine learning i.e. computer science, mathematics, physics, and related fields with grade average of at least 2,30 according to the German grading system (German system: 1,0 is the best grade)
  • mathematical skills in scope and on the level of the bachelor of computer science in Tübingen in one- and multi-dimensional calculus, linear algebra, and either numerical mathematics or probability theory (33 CP out of 180 CP in the bachelor). Candidates need to have at least mathematics courses equivalent to 27 CP. Between 27 CP and 33 CP the level and content of the mathematics courses matter so please provide the corresponding descriptions of your math courses in you module handbook in your application (and only the corresponding pages not the full module book!).
  • skills in programming and in algorithms and data structures (theoretical analyis of algorithms)

Candidates are judged based on the level of interest and their personal fit with the program, for which we require a letter of motivation (1-2 pages maximum) and a CV (1 page maximum).

A good command of English language is essential. We accept any of the following proofs of such skills:

  • German Abitur including at least 6 (G8) or 7 (G9) years of English.
  • TOEFL iBT test with at least 94 points (the TOEFL iBT Home version is allowed too)
  • IELTS test (academic) with overall score of at least 7.0
  • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
  • University entrance qualification obtained in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand

Note that we make no exceptions - you need to have one of the certificates above.

The final decision is based on the overall affinity to the program.


  • I have a bachelor degree in X, am I eligible for the master ML?    You need the skills mentioned above. This requires a formal math education (including being able to do proofs) in linear algebra, (multivariate) calculus and probability or numerics and in computer science you need programming skills and knowledge in the theoretical analysis of algorithms and data structures. If you don't have these skills then you are not eligible for this program.
  • Can I apply if I have not completed my bachelor degree yet? Yes, if it is sure that you will have finished your bachelor degree until the start of the winter semester in October 2025. If this does not work out, then you cannot inscribe for the master program as you need your bachelor degree for this (or at least a certificate that you will pass your bachelor degree, in case that your bachelor thesis has not been corrected yet). However, we remain the right to reject applications based on the fact that the bachelor degree completion is not sufficiently advanced (this includes in particular if the courses with the required skills have not been completed yet).
  • I don't have all skills but missing X. Can I fulfill this by doing additional courses in Tuebingen (formal admission requirements, in German: ``Aufnahmeauflagen'')? No, we get many applications and we only accept applications which fulfill the formal requirements.
  • I don't have all skills but missing X. Can I fulfill this by doing additional online-courses in Coursera, edX etc.? No, we only accept certificates from universities.
  • How do I convert my grade into the german system?  There are official rules for this which differ from country to country. A non-official and non-binding way to get a first idea is the modified Bavarian formula: (Nmax - N_yours)/(Nmax-Nmin)*3+1, where Nmax is the best possible grade, Nmin is the worst passing grade and N_yours is yours grade in this system. We cannot calculate your official grade prior to the application.
  • I don't have all skills but missing X or I have a degree with grade worse than 2,3 (german system) but I have a lot of experience in machine learning. Am I still not eligible for this program? No, the skills mentioned above and the grade threshold are hard requirements.
  • I had math lectures with similar content but significantly less credit points (<27 CP). Am I eligible? No, you need a broad and deep knowledge in mathematics. This involves in particular the ability to do proofs yourself.
  • What is meant by the university entrance qualification? Proof that you have finished secondary school in UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand
  • I don't have yet my English certificate (TOEFL, IELTS etc). Can I hand it in after the application deadline? Unfortunately, this is not possible. Note that due to the pandemic, we allow the TOEFL iBT Home test which can be done at home. If the TOEFL Home edition is not available in your country contact
  • Do I need an APS certificate? If you have obtained your bachelor degree in China, India or Vietnam you need the APS certificate. However, if after the bachelor degree in China, India or Vietnam you have obtained a master degree from another country, then the APS certificate is not required. Due to the current delays with issuing APS certificates, we can initially consider your application without the APS certificate  - if accepted, candidates must provide the APS certificate upon enrolment.
  • Can you please check my transcript if I am eligible or not? No, we get a lot of applications and thus we can't do such checks beforehand.
  • How do you check if I am formally eligible? Add the module descriptions for the relevant courses (mathematics, programming, algorithmics/data structures) - but only of these - to your application. There is the possibility to add additional material at the end of the application process.
  • Whom should I ask if I have read all of this and still have questions? Write an email to


The next intake is for the Winter semester 2025/2026. Applications can be sent starting February 2025. The deadline for applications for the Machine Learning Master program is April 30th, 2025. There are no application fees.

All students, including those holding a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, need to submit an application. The requirements are listed below.
The studies program is taught annually, starting in winter semesters.

Please apply online for admission to the Master’s program here (from Feburary 2025!).

Note that non-EU citizens have to pay 1500 Euros per semester in addition to the regular semester fees of about 158 Euros. A list of exceptions to these tutition fees can be found here.


  • How long should be the motivation letter? The motivation letter should be maximum two pages, but we appreciate more concise motivation letters of one page.
  • How about recommendation letters? We do not require reommendation letters, but you can upload them as extra material. However, it is not possible that they are sent to us via email.
  • How about GRE scores? We do not require GRE scores but you can upload them as extra material.
  • When will be the acceptance/rejection notifications sent out? There is no fixed date but it should normally take no longer than 4 weeks after the application deadline. The current state of the process will be updated regularly in the news section of the main page.
  • Does one have to sent the application also by mail? No, once you have completed the application online in ALMA this is all what you have to do. Contrary to information which still can be found on some webpages of the university, no signed summary of the application has to be sent via email.
  • Is it possible to get a scholarship? At the moment we cannot offer any scholarships.