Physikalisches Institut


We do basic research on physical properties of superconducting and magnetic layer systems (single crystals, thin film heterostructures).

Our main research activities are in the area of the investigation of electric transport properties at low temperature, with focus on tunneling and Josephson effects, quantum interferometry and nonlinearer dynamics.

The technoloy which we use for our research includes modern techniques in

  • thin film deposition, patterning and characterization (UHV cluster deposition system, electron- and photolithography, focused ion beam patterning, characterization via SEM, XRD, EBSD, AFM/STM)
  • electric transport measurement (in magnetic fields up to 12 T, in microwave fields up to 40 GHz, at temperatures from 10 mK to 300 K)
  • imaging of electric transport properties at low temperatures via low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM), low-temperature scanning laser microscopy (LTSLM), and low-temperature scanning polarization microscopy (LTSPM)

Our research activities are integrated into various funded projects.

We frequently collaborate with other research teams. There exists an intensive collaboration with groups at the Univ. Tübingen, in particular within the Center for Quantum Science (CQ) and within the Center for Light-Matter-Interaction, Sensors & Analytics (LISA+), with the MPI for biological cybernetics in Tübingen (K. Scheffler), with groups in Germany (Univ. Bielefeld, PTB Berlin, PTB Braunschweig, IFW & TU Dresden, WMI Garching, KIT Karlsruhe, Univ. Kiel, TU Munich, MPI & Univ. Stuttgart, Univ. Ulm) and with international groups (Ames, Basel, Berkeley, Bordeaux, Chernogolovka, Enschede, Grenoble, Göteborg, Kyoto, Lausanne, Leuven, Los Alamos, Manchester, Moskau, Nanjing, Neapel, Oslo, Tel Aviv, Trieste, Tsukuba, Zaragoza).

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