At St. Andrews, over the last few years, he has taught in the university’s Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies programme, including modules on Greek and Latin Languages and Literatures, Roman and Greek Culture and History, Ancient Philosophy. He has published numerous articles and reviews in both Italian and international academic journals (see e.g., Rallo, G.E. 2018. Elementi di Autoritratto al femminile nei frammenti della Togata, 'PAN' 7, pp. 29-39; Rallo, G.E. 2021. What does the term Togata ‘really’ mean? 'CQ’, 71, 1, pp. 216-229). He also edited and contributed to various scholarly volumes (see e.g., De Poli, M., Rallo, G.E., & Zimmermann, B. (eds.) 2021. Sub palliolo sordido. Studies on Greek and Latin Fragmentary Comedies, Göttingen; Bianco, M. M., Cusumano, N., Melidone, C., & Rallo, G. E. (eds.) 2023. Memoria, Spazio, Identità in Grecia e a Roma, Palermo), and he has given invited lectures and papers in several countries about Roman drama, fragmentary productions, gender and identity studies, theories of translation from ancient to modern languages and vice-versa. Very recently, his first monograph, entitled Laughing at domestica facta: Identity construction in mid-Republican Rome through the lens of the Togata, has been published in the prestigious ‘Verlag Antike’ directed by Prof. Dr. B. Zimmermann (Freiburg).
Since 2022, Dr. Rallo has been postdoctoral researcher associated with the DFG-Project “Versio Latina” with the academic chair of Prof. Dr. Anja Wolkenhauer, in Tübingen. Concerning Dr Rallo's activities in the project, two papers are forthcoming in the conference volumes for "The Wrong Direction" (Rallo, G. E. A Comparative Analysis of La Sorella by Giambattista Della Porta and its Latin Translation/Adaptation Adelphe by Samuel Brooke) and the conference volume of the italianist planned for the recent conference "TransLATINg", organized by Francesco Lucioli and Giacomo Comiati in Rome (Rallo, G. E. The intricate path of cultural and literary translation: the Pastor Fido by Guarini... in Latin).