Institute of Medieval History

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Theresa Jäckh

Tenure Track Professor (Juniorprofessorin) for Medieval Mediterranean History

Click here for the ,Medieval Mediterranean‘.


Please note that there are no office hours during the summer term 2024 due to maternity leave.

During the winter term 2024/25, please contact Dr Kilian Baur in matters of teaching. You can, of course, send enquiries for final examinations or theses to me by email.

University of Tübingen
Department of History
Seminar for Medieval History
Wilhelmstraße 36
72074 Tübingen (Germany)

Room: 217a

email: theresa.jaeckhspam

Telephone: +49 7071 29-74232

Curriculum Vitae

seit 03/2024
Margarete von Wrangell-tenure track professor


seit 02/2022
tenure track professor

for Medieval Mediterranean History

seit 02/2022
Research Fellow / Principal Investigator

at the Department of History, Durham University/United Kingdom

Assistant Professor of Medieval Mediterranean History

at the Department of History, Durham University/United Kingdom (permanent post)

academic assistant (Post Doc)

at the Chair of the History of Religions, University of Konstanz (Prof Dr Daniel König)

scholarship holder at the CRC 1150 „Cultures of Decision-Making“

at the University of Münster

academic assistant

at the Chair for Medieval History, University of Heidelberg (Prof Dr Nikolas Jaspert)

Research Fellow

at the German Historical Institute Rome


in Medieval History at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Heidelberg; title of the PhD thesis: Conquest and Transformation. Palermo under Islamic and Christian Rule (in German)

Academic assistant at the Centre for Transcultural Studies, University of Heidelberg

Junior Research Group "Protection in Phases of Political and Religious Expansion" (JProf Dr Jenny Oesterle)

certified research assistant

at the Research Centre for History and Cultural Heritage, University of Heidelberg (Prof Dr Stefan Weinfurter)

Master of Arts in Medieval Studies/History and Jewish Studies

at the University of Heidelberg and at the Heidelberg School of Jewish Studies

Bachelor of Arts in History and Islamic Studies (Arabic Studies)

at the University of Heidelberg

research interests

  • Mediterranean city history
  • interreligious communication 
  • trans-Mediterranean contacts
  • legal culture and legal practice in multi-religious societies
  • water and landscapes, especially Sicily

current projects

Legal Cultures (second book, ongoing): The project aims to examine communication and decision-making processes in which people of different religious affiliations were involved. The main aim is to find out how individuals or groups in multi-religious societies navigated between different legal forums in order to seek advice or obtain their (perceived) rights, and also to enquire how the everyday problems arising from living together affected the attitude of authorities to certain legal issues.

Transmediterranean History (2019‒ongoing): In cooperation with Daniel König and Eric Böhme (both University of Konstanz), I am co-editing an annotated anthology of Arabic and Latin sources which are published as an online journal. The aim is to translate, contextualise and interpret source passages that are relevant to the history of trans-Mediterranean and interreligious contacts and to provide researchers, students, teachers and other interested parties with free access to the current state of research on these topics. The articles are published in German, English and Arabic.

Interreligious Communication (2022‒2025): This is a project funded by the UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities (AHRC/DFG) on "Interreligious Communication in and between the Latin-Christian and the Arabic-Islamic Sphere: Macro-theories and Micro-settings'. My part of the project is based in Durham, UK, the German partner is Daniel König (University of Konstanz). Together with two postdocs in Konstanz and Durham, we are analysing various forms of interreligious communication from a macro- and micro-historical perspective. The aim is to systematise and critically evaluate previous hypotheses on interreligious communication by analysing communication processes in terms of their specific contexts of encounter in four sub-projects.

Water and Ressource Distribution (2023‒2026): As a sub-project within the ERC Consolidator Grant "Science, Society and Environmental Change in the First Millennium CE", led by Helen Foxhall Forbes (Venice), I am working together with a PhD student to analyse how people in multi-religious societies in Muslim-ruled areas of the Mediterranean dealt with resource distribution, particularly water, during periods when environmental changes or drastic climatic events occurred.


Monograph and edited books

Raumgeschichte einer Hauptstadt: Palermo unter islamischer und christlicher Herrschaft (9.‒13. Jahrhundert) (Bibliothek des Deutschen Historischen Instituts in Rom), Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2023.

Transmediterranean History. A Commented Anthology of Primary Sources, ed. Daniel G. König, Theresa Jäckh, and Eric Böhme, Konstanz 2019‒ongoing. 

Urban Dynamics and Transcultural Communication in Medieval Sicily (Mittelmeerstudien 17), ed. Theresa Jäckh/Mona Kirsch, Paderborn: Brill Germany 2017. [Rev. by Paul Oldfield, Juli 2018, in: HSozKult:; Rev. by Andreas Obenaus, August 2019, in: HZ, 309, 1 (2019), p. 187‒189]; Rev. by Ferdinand Opll, in: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 127 (2019), S. 470‒471; Rev. by Lioba Geis, in: DA 75, 2 (2019), S. 834‒835.



with John Aspinwall, Multiculturalism and Power Relations: Reframing Norman Sicily, in: Norman Connections. Normannische Verflechtungen zwischen Skandinavien und dem Mittelmeer, ed. Viola Skiba, Nikolas Jaspert, and Bernd Schneidmüller (Publikationen der Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen 95), Regensburg 2022, pp. 291‒309.

with Richard Engl, Islam in Medieval Sicily and Southern Italy, in: Routledge Handbook of Islam in the West, 2nd Edition, ed. Roberto Tottoli, Abingdon 2022, pp. 36‒54.

Palermo and the Norman Conquest of Sicily, in: The Normans in the Mediterranean (Medieval Identities: Socio-Cultural Spaces 9), ed. Emily A. Winkler/ Liam Fitzgerald, with assistance of Andrew Small, Turnhout: Brepols 2021, pp. 187‒209.

Verbrechen und Strafe im normannisch-staufischen Königreich Sizilien: Der Fall des Philipp von al-Mahdiyya, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 76,1 (2020), pp. 23‒60.

Water and Wealth in Medieval Sicily: The Case of the Admiral’s Bridge and Arab-Norman Palermo (10th‒13th centuries), in: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 6, 5 (2019), pp. 1‒13, DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1363 

Place and Space in Norman Palermo, in: Urban Dynamics and Transcultural Communication in Medieval Sicily (Mittelmeerstudien 17), ed. Theresa Jäckh, and Mona Kirsch, Paderborn: Brill Germany 2017, pp. 67‒95.

with Mona Kirsch: Dynamics of Communication in Medieval Sicily. An Urban, Regional and Mediterranean Perspective, in: Urban Dynamics and Transcultural Communication in Medieval Sicily (Mittelmeerstudien 17), ed. Theresa Jäckh, and Mona Kirsch, Paderborn: Brill Germany 2017, pp. 9‒26.