Department of History Institute of Medieval History
Wilhelmstraße 36 (Hegelbau) 2nd floor 72074 Tübingen Phone: +49 7071 29-72385 (Secretary) Fax: +49 7071 29-5905
Amani Hussein (maternity leave)room 214, 2nd floorOffice hours:–
Tel.: + 49 7071 29-72385E-Mail: sekretariat.mittelalterspam
Mon – Fr: 8 am – 10.00 pm Sat: closed Closed on Sundays and public holidays
The opening hours also apply during the semester breaks.
Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaft Seminar für mittelalterliche Geschichte Wilhelmstraße 36 72074 Tübingen Phone: +49 7071 29-75498