Institute of Modern History

Dr. Gudrun Litz


1967Born in St. Wendel / Saar
1986 - 1996Studies in Medieval and Modern History, Art History, Book Studies and Protestant Theology at the universities in Erlangen, Berlin (Humbolt University) and Göttingen
1993 - 1996Research scholarship in the Research Group “Kirche und Gesellschaft im Heiligen Römischen Reich deutscher Nation im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert” (Church and Society in the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation in the 15th and 16th Centuries) in Göttingen
1996 - 2006Research Assistant at the Institute of Modern Church History at the University of Erlangen: DFG Project “Edition der Schriften des Nürnberger Ratsschreibers Lazarus Spengler (1479-1534)” (Edition of the Writings of the Nuremburg Council Scribe Lazarus Spengler, 1479-1534)
2004 - 2006Research Assistant at the Institute of Church History at the University of Jena: DFG Projekt “Die Freiheit als Zentralbegriff der frühen Reformation” (“Liberty” as a Key Concept of the Early Reformation)
2006PhD awarded by the University of Göttingen for the dissertation titled: “Die reformatorische Bilderfrage in den schwäbischen Reichsstädten” (The Reformation Image Question in the Swabian Imperial Cities)
Since 2007Head of the Medieval and Early Modern section of the Haus der Stadtgeschichte – Stadtarchiv Ulm

Franz-Ludwig-Baumann Prize of the Gesellschaft Oberschwaben

Since 2010

Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Tübingen and the University of Ulm