Printing, copying, scanning
Multifunctional devices for printing, scanning and copying can be found on the 2nd floor in a separate room next to the journal reading room. They are operated by the Morgenstern company, which you should contact directly if you have any questions or problems (indicating the device number if necessary). Consultation hours / trainings are also offered by them.
There is also a free book scanner (in the back right corner of the room).
You can print documents using USB sticks, our computer workstations or your own notebooks (the latter is not availabe to external users).
Printing at the computer workstations
Files can be printed anywhere in pdf format; so if problems occur, it is best to convert them to pdf format.
Printing from your own device
- You can print pdf documents from your notebook without a driver by using mobilePrint with the "QPilot" software (see description on the print server after logging in with your university login).
- Outside the university network, remote access via VPN is required.
- You can do the print jobs on any Morgenstern device on the entire campus.
- You will need your student, staff or library card for printing.
Print server
University members can manage their print jobs and scans on the print server; you can log in with your university login. Unfortunately, this service is not available to external library users. Larger print jobs can take a while.
Printer status
Printing on the devices is not working? First check the current printer status.
To be able to make copies, you need a chip card (university student or staff ID card, University Library user card or guest card) with top-up cash function - see below Payment.
Three different types of devices are available for scanning:
1. multifunctional devices (Morgenstern)
You can find instructions on site in the scanning room. You can save the scans in two ways:
- to a USB stick,
- on the print server (management of scans there is only possible for university members, registration is done with your university login).
2. book scanner
This device is particularly useful for extensive scanning work from books. It has an OCR / text recognition function (German, English). You will need a USB stick to save the scans. You can find instructions on site in the scanning room. Scanning is free of charge with this device.
3. ScanTent
With the tent, you can use your own smartphone to quickly and easily scan books, journals and more up to A3 format. You can find the instructions here or on site. Use is free of charge.
Payment and prices
Payment for printouts, copies and scans is made using a chip card (student, staff or user ID) or a guest card. You can buy the latter in the cafeteria on the ground floor of the Brechtbau building, at the vending machine in the foyer of the main building of the University Library (near the lockers) and at the InfoPoints for a price of €10 (€5 credit + €5 deposit). Cards that are no longer needed can also be returned to the InfoPoints, where the deposit and remaining credit will be refunded. Locations of card validators / top-up machines.
A4 black/white single-sided A4 black/white double-sided | 4,5 Cents 9,0 Cents |
A4 color single-sided A4 color double-sided | 10,0 Cents 20,0 Cents |
A3 black/white single-sided A3 black/white double-sided | 9,0 Cents 18,0 Cents |
A3 color single-sided A3 color double-sided | 20,0 Cents 40,0 Cents |
Scan with book scanner A4 and A3 | free |
Scan with multifunctional device A4 and A3 | 0,2 Cents |
Please note that the prices (as of December 2023) are calculated by the service provider and the library has no influence on them.
Copyright regulations
Reproductions (paper copies or scans) may only be made in accordance with the legal regulations of copyright law. Please refer to the UB's information sheet.