Institute of English Languages and Literatures
3. The course belongs to more than one group of courses in more than one module

If a group of courses contains more than one course, the list displayed in the alma planner of studies may be longer than the one you see in the course catalogue. This is due to the fact that alma displays also courses which belonged to this group in previous semesters. You can easily distinguish active courses by the icon in front. Only active couses will show a +-icon in front and an Apply-button during the enrollment period.

After clicking on Apply you will be able to prioritize between the active courses of the group. Usually there are 4 options: Preferred (the default is always set), plus 3 alternatives. The 1. alternative is the highest priority. The more alternatives you use the higher are your chances of getting into a course. After having set your options, you need to confirm by clicking on Now enrolling/sign off.

Special case:

If a course has more than one parallelgroup and is competing with other courses in the same group, then you need to do both: prioritize between the parallelgroups and for the course a whole. You will see dropdown menus on both levels.
  You cannot select a priority twice. If you wish to change priorities you need to deselect the priority first in order to make it available again.


If a course belongs to more than one group in more than one module, the course will only be fully displayed once, usually in the first module down the list. Only this instance will show the Apply-button.

All other instances of this course in other modules will appear as placeholders with a red-green arrow in front. If you wish to apply for this course in a module where you only see a placeholder, you need to click on the double arrow to pull the course down. After clicking on the arrow the whole module structure will collapse. You need to expand the module where you wish to apply (Module 2 in this example) in order to see the course with the Apply button.

To remember:

  • You will only be admitted to one course within one group of courses.
  • You cannot enrol for the same course in two different modules.
  • If you want to have a chance of getting a place in two courses that belong to the same group, you need to apply for both courses in two different modules.