Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Dr. Anthony Obute

Anthony Chukwudumebi Obute completed his dissertation at the University of Tübingen in 2022. His research pieced together the nexus between the Niger and the Mississippi Delta regions of Nigeria and America respectively through the imbricated temporalities of slavery, colonialism, and extractive capitalism. He held a postdoctoral position at the University of Duisburg-Essen’s Centre for Global Cooperation Research. Furthermore, he was a guest Assistant Professor at the University of Rostock in the Summer Semester of 2023, and is currently a visiting scholar to the University of Maryland, College Park.

Research Expertise and Interests

  • African American Literatures and Cultures
  •  Environmental Humanities
  • Petrol-culture and Resource Extraction
  • Postcolonialism
  • Black Diaspora and Afro-pop culture


PhD in English Literatures and Cultures

University of Tübingen

M.A. in English Literatures and Cultures

University of Tübingen

B.A. in English

University of Ilorin, Nigeria


Recent Publications

  • Co-edited with Amaral, Diego. Mediascapes of Ruined Geographies in the Global South. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023.
  • “Lagos in Motion: Trailing the Environmental Ruins of Urbanization” Mediascapes of Ruined Geographies in the Global South, edited by Diego Amaral and A. Chukwudumebi Obute. Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. 111-129.
  • “Crude Oil, Crude Practices, and Crooked Corporations: Petrocapitalism in the Niger Delta.” KHK/GCR21, 12 July 2023, Accessed 11 July 2023.
  • “Beyond a Trifling Presence: Afro-Germans and Identity Boundaries in Germany.” Who Can Speak and Who is Heard/Hurt? Facing Problems of Race, Racism, and Ethnic Diversity in the Humanities in Germany, edited by Mahmoud Arghavan, Nicole Hirschfelder, Luvena Kopp, and Katharina Moytl, Transcript, 2019, pp. 83-100. 
  • “Paradigmatic Shift from Archetypal Conservatism to Decadent Modernity in African Literature: A Study of Gabriel Egbe’s Emani” Veritas Journal of English and Literary Studies, 1(1), 2014, pp. 207-219.


  • “Cinematics of Southern Environmentalism” Cinemas of the Global South, edited by Dilip Menon and Amir Taha. Routledge, 2024.
  • “Unmasking a Cryptic South: The Spatial Emergence of the ‘Abhuman’” Unmapping the Global South, edited by Fernando Resende, Gero Bauer, and Nicole Hirschfelder, Routledge 2024.
  • “A Constellation of Rage: ‘Ecoterrorism’, Petrocapitalism, and the Postcolonial State”
  • The Transition Fatigue: Going Green in the Global South

Courses Taught


Fall Semester: 

  • Environmental Practices in the Global South (University of Maryland)
  • Film Art in Global Society (University of Maryland, USA)

Summer Semester: 

  • Environmental Activism in the Global South (Uni Rostock)


Winter Semester:

  • Environmental Justice Movement 

Summer Semester: 

  • African Americans in Nature: The Wild, the Sea, and the Plantation


Winter Semester 2019/2020:

  • From Silent Spring to Climate Change: American Environmentalism from the 60s


Winter Semester:

  • The Harlem Renaissance

Professional Membership

Anthony Obute is member of 

  • German Association for American Studies (DGfA)
  • Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
  • African Literature Association (ALA)