Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Mara Precoma, M.A.

Research Fellow

Mara Precoma is a PhD candidate in Media Studies and a research fellow at the American Studies Department at the University of Tübingen. She studied Interdisciplinary American Studies at the University of Tübingen and the University of Washington, Seattle, and received a Master of Arts in Social Sciences as part of the Global Studies Program at the University of Freiburg and FLACSO Argentina in 2021. Currently, she is responsible for the project administration of the CHANSE-funded collaborative research project “Researching Europe, Digitalisation and Conspiracy Theories” (REDACT), and conducts research for the German subproject. In her PhD project, tentatively titled “Everything Is Connected: Conspiracy Theories in German-Language Online Environments,” she investigates the discursive constitution of conspiracy theories on German-language alternative news websites with a focus on conspiracist knowledge configurations concerning climate and the environment, immigration and multiculturalism as well as gender and sexuality.

Current Project

"Everything is Connected: Conspiracy Theories in German-Language Online Environments" (working title, PhD thesis)


Workshops und Politische Bildung

  • Teamerin der Berghof Foundation. Durchführung von Workshops im Rahmen des Projekts #vrschwrng an Schulen in Baden-Württemberg, 2023-heute.
  • "Verschwörungstheorien“. Vortrag und Workshop im Rahmen der Demokratiekonferenz der Partnerschaft für Demokratie in Ostfildern, 16.11.2023.


  • Introduction to Cultural Studies (Summer Term 2022)