Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Travel Information

You can travel to Tübingen by car, train, bus, or plane.

The nearest airport to Tübingen is Stuttgart Airport (STR), which is a bus or taxi ride way from Tübingen. If you plan a bus ride, the line 828 is the best choice. It will take 45 minutes and costs circa 7€ (reduced with BahnCard). Taking a taxi is faster but more expensive.

You can also use a "Fernbus" to Tübingen. They usually stop at Tübingen´s bus terminal where you can easily change to Tübingen's public transport.

You can also arrive easily in Tübingen via train. Tübingen main station is next to the central bus terminal. If you plan to use the train (Deutsche Bahn website), you can easily walk to your hotel or change to Tübingen's public transport at directly outside of the station.

Arriving by car is also possible. Check Google Maps or any other site for directions. However, parking lots are rare and/or expensive, especially considering the Christmas market.

More information coming soon!