Institute of English Languages and Literatures


Starter Lounge for Beginners in the B.Ed. English

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Access to the Starter Lounge will be granted by mid-September 2023!

Get Together! Join Us in the Starter Lounge!

The Starter Lounge offers a comprehensive overview of the study program and answers to your most pressing questions with video tutorials! It also features an online calendar with all important dates and events taking place in the orientation week for new students.

Most importantly, it is an interactive platform so that students get a chance to get in touch with each other before the fist session of their courses.­


How to Get Access

The lounge is designed as a Moodle course. Students of Tübingen University can log in with their student ID and will then be admitted automatically to the course. There is no possibility to join the Moodle course without your student ID.

To access the guide, simply click on the guide's Moodle login page.