Short biography of Extraordinary Professor Dr. Dr. Joerg Chet Tremmel
Link to Jörg Tremmel's wikipedia page.
Habilitation: Tremmel, Jörg (2020): Normative Politische Theorie: Wissenschaftstheoretische Grundlagen und
Anwendungen am Beispiel des politischen Mordverbots. Wiesbaden: Springer VS (325 pages, ISBN 978-3-658-02729-2). Originally written in German, this book is currently updated and translated into English and will appear in 2023 with the title “Procedural Ethics. How do we know what is right or wrong?”
Habilitation lecture: "Max Webers Werturteilsfreiheitspostulat revisited – Was hat die normative Politische Theorie heute dazu zu sagen?", 15.2.2016
Doctoral dissertation for Dr. phil. 04/2004 – 05/2008: "A Theory of Intergenerational Justice", supervised by Prof. Dr. Dieter Birnbacher, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Department of Philosophy
Doctoral dissertation for Dr. rer. pol. 10/1998 - 07/2005: "Population Policy in the Context of Ecological Social Justice among Generations" (in German), supervised by Prof. Dr. Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart, Department of Economics and Social Sciences
04/2004 - 09/2006 Philosophy (Doctoral Study) at the University of Düsseldorf
10/1998 - 03/2002 Sociology (Doctoral Study) at the University of Stuttgart
03/1994 - 05/2003 Degree “Diplom-Politologe” (Master of Arts) in Political Science from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt
09/1992 - 03/1998 Degree “Diplom-Kaufmann” (Master of Business Administration) from the FernUniversität Hagen
Semesters abroad during business administration studies:
08/95 - 12/95 James-Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia (USA)
02/95 - 06/95 Ecole Supérieure de Commerce, La Rochelle (France)
Fellowships and Scholarships
05/2009 – 03/2010 London School of Economics and Political Science (Research Fellow)
10/2006 u. 10/2007 Fellowship “Canada meets Germany” (Canada/Germany)
09/2003 Fellowship Asia-Europe Youth Dialogue (ASEM), Cebu, Philippines
08/1998 „Dream Camp“ at Volkswagen, USA
(Two-week training in management and moderation techniques)
04/1999 – 03/2002 Scholarship from the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation for MBA studies
10/1994 – 09/1997 Scholarship from the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation for a sociology
09/2002 – 04/2008 e-fellows (free access to databases, archives, and internet)
2010 Teaching Award in the Department of Social Sciences at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (2nd Place)
2009 Dissertation for Dr. phil.: Nomination for the Talented Young Researcher's Prize from the Society for Analytical Philosophy
2007 Dissertation for Dr. rer.pol.: Shortlisted for one of the three best papers in the Irmgard Coninx Research Grant Competition
2003 Procter & Gamble-Award for Final Theses in Environmental Science
Professional Training
08/90 - 01/92 Apprenticeship at the Dresdner Bank, Training for the job of bank business managing assistent, fast-track (18 months)
German mother tongue
English excellent (written and spoken)
French good (written and spoken)
Spanish basic command
University Offices/Duties
Board member in the Institute for Political Science
Member of the Advisory Board in the Institute for Political Science
Member of the Advisory Board for Sustainable Development at the University of Tübingen
Representative for Basic Studies in Ethics-Philosophy for the Department of Economics and Social Sciences
Deputy Member of the Examination Board for the Department of Economics and Social Sciences
External review duties
- Review of submitted projects to Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
- Review of submitted journal articles (e.g. GAIA und Politische Vierteljahresschrift)
- Review of book proposals (e.g. Edward Elgar, Earthscan)