Presentations in English
For presentations in German, see German webpage (change with language selection above!)
List of the most salient speeches (both German and English ones, until Nov 2022):
Presentations in English until 2018:
- Keynote: "Constitutions as non-tyrannical contracts between generations"; “Festivalfilosofia” ( in Modena, 17.9.22
- Keynote: "Intergenerational Justice in times of existential risks" at Curious2022 (// in Darmstadt, 13.7.22
- Speech: Democracy Updated; Workshop “Will the Future Blame Us? Bringing Future Generations into Today’s Politics”, organisiert von FDSD/Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (19.4.2018 in London)
- Speech: The Wisdom of many? Individual-led and Group-led Institutions for Future Generations; Workshop “Democracy and Future Generations” des Institute for Futures Studies (7.-8.12.2017 Stockholm)
- Speech: Archimedean Points in Political Ethics? How (if at all) can the prohibition of politically motivated murder be justified?; Philosophy, Politics, Economics-Konferenz der Uni Witten-Herdecke (7.5.2016 Witten-Herdecke)
- Speech: Representation of Future Generations; Abschlusskonferenz ENRI-Programm “Rights to a Green Future” der European Science Foundation (28.-31.11.2014 Soesterberg, NL)
- Speech: Parliaments and future generations; Workshop Oxford Martin School “How can institutional mechanisms safeguard for tomorrow, today?”(21.10.2014 Oxford, UK)
- Conference “Model Institutions for a Sustainable Future: a comparative constitutional law perspective” (organisiert von Marcel Szabó, Hungarian Ombudsman for Future Generations), Vortrag: “The Extension of Democracy through a Third Chamber” (24.-26.4 2014, Budapest)
- Workshop Terre des Hommes, Vortrag: “An extended separation of powers model” (13.12.2013, Bonn)
- Workshop ENRI/Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research: “Human Rights & Responsibilities regarding Future Generations”, Vortrag “Rights in the Context of Climate Change – A Contested Terrain” (14.10.13 Soesterberg, NL)
- Workshop European Science Foundation ENRI “Representing Future Generations”. Vortrag: “An extended separation of powers model as the theoretical basis for the representation of future generations”; Kommentar zu: “Why and how should we represent future generations in policy making?” von D. Beyleveld, Marcus Düwell, Andreas Spahn, (4.5.13, München)
- PIN-Netzwerk (University of North Texas u.a.): Vortrag: “Philosophers are from Venus, Social Scientists are from Mars. How can their Normative-Empirical Dialogue Work?”, (23.9.12, Tübingen)
- Graduiertenkolleg Generationengeschichte, Uni Göttingen: „The Generational Potential of the year 1989“, Vortrag (13.4.2012, Göttingen)
- London School of Economics and Political Science, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment (18.1.2011), Speech: “Climate Change and Justice”
- London School of Economics and Political Science, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (17.1.2011), Speech: “Philosophers are from Venus, Social Scientists are from Mars. How can their Normative-Empirical Dialogue Work?”
- Weimar Youth Forum des Studentenforums im Tönnissteiner Kreis (6.11.2010), Speech: „Intergenerational Justice - Scope and Limits“
- Tilburg Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science: Scientific Philosophy: Past and Future (13 April 2010). Presentation: “Old Philosophical Welfarism and New Scientific Welfare Research”
- Société de Philosophie Analytique (SOPHA), triannual congress, 3.-5.9.2009 in Geneva. Presentation: “Generational Justice - a No-man’s-land for Ethics?”
- European Consortium for Political Research, Joint Sessions 14.-19.4.2009, Lissabon, Portugal: Presentation: “A Theory of Intergenerational Justice”. Discutant for Diana Coole’s: “Aging Populations and Individual Lifecycles”, and Pieter VanHuysse’s/Markus Tepe’s: “Elderly Bias, New Social Risks, and Spending Priorities”
- Lisbon Council: “Growth and Jobs Summit 2009”: Discutant at a Young Leader Workshop with EU-Präsident Barroso (12.3.09, Brüssel)
- Climate Legacy Initiative - September Meeting des Distinguished Advisors Panel (20.9.2008, Vermont, USA)
- International Social Science Conference “How to integrate the Intergenerational Perspective into Social Monitoring and Social Reporting (13.9.2008, Zürich, National Research Programme of Switzerland, no. 52). Discutant in the forum “Childhood and Youth”
- International Forum „Expanding the Role of Women in Cross-Cultural Dialogue (10.-11.6.2008, Baku, Aserbeidschan). Participation at the panel “Conflict or unity of human civilization?”
- Wilton Park British-German Forum (9.-13.7.2007, Wiston House, Steyning, GB), Participation at this Young-Leader-Forum after nomination by the British Council.
- London School of Economics and Political Science: speech in the Post-Doc colloquium: „Rawls’ conception of intergenerational justice“ (14.5.2007, London)
- Scientific Symposium of the Irmgard Coninx Stiftung/Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin: „Population Politics and Human Rights“ (14.-19.02.2007 in Berlin, D), Speech: „Family Policy and Ethics“
- 4. World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilisations (27.09-01.10.2004 in Rhodes, GR)
- 11th International Social Justice Conference of the International Society of Justice Research (3.8.2006, Berlin). Speech "A Theory of Intergenerational Justice”.
- Summer program for students from the University of Massachusetts, International School for Humanities and Social Sciences, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (13.06.2006)
- Future Generations Workshop by the organisation “Protect the future”, Budapest, Hungary (28.-30.5.2006). Discutant.
- EuroEnviro 2006, (28.4.2006, Obersaxen, Switzerland). Speech: “Impact of Demographic Change on Social Systems”
- “Focussing the Future”, Congress of Student Forum of University Maastricht, (18.-21.4.2006, Maastricht, NL)
- Workshop in the European Parliament (22.11.2005, Brussels, B)
- 3. World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilisations (28.9-3.10.2004 in Rhodes, GR)
- 1. Mercator Seminar on Globalization (30.01.2004, International University Bremen). Speech on Demography.
- ASEM Youth Dialogue (02.-05.09.2003, Cebu, Philippinen), Fellowship.
- Member of the German delegation at 3. St.Petersburger Dialog (10.-12.04.2003 in St. Petersburg, RU), Discutant.
- Conference „Rights of Future Generations“ (31.01.2003 in Budapest, HU). Speech: “The Rights of Children and Young People”.
- Delegate at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Sept. 2002, Johannesburg, SA).
- International Young Professional Summit (02.-06.10.2001 in Brisbane, AUS). Speech: “Intergenerational justice as a leading principle of the new century“.
- Two Preparatory Committees of the UN Conventions on the Right of the Child (30.5.2000 and 30.01.2001, both in New York, USA).
- Two Global Dialogues of EXPO 2000 (13.07.2000 and 19.10.2000 in Hanover, Germany)
- „Think Tanks for a Civic Society of the 21st Century“, International Open-Space Conference on New Ways of Political Consulting, (1.12.2000 in Kreisau, Poland)
- „Adolescents into Citizens: Integrating Young People into Political Life“ Symposium of the Jacobs-Foundation (26.-28.10.2000 at Castle Marbach, close to Zürich)
- „Information Society, Globalisation and Sustainable Development“ EXPO 2000 (6.10.2000 Hannover, D)
- „Realizing Sustainability“, European Youth Congress of the FRFG (12.8.2000 in Hanover, D)