Bachelor Thesis
If you are interested in organizational details for the Bachelor Thesis seminar, click on the seminar in one of the recent semesters under Teaching.
Example topics from recent semesters:
SS 2022
- The Impact of the Triple-Double on Winning in the NBA Regular Season
- The Selection of Style Characteristics Relevant for Net Sales: A Lasso Regression Approach
- The Impact of the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany on Subjective Health Measures and Health-Related Outcomes
WS 2021/22
- An Analysis of NBA Team Performance based in Box-Score Statistics: A Fixed Effects Regression Approach
SS 2021
- Does a higher level of English proficiency lead to a higher degree of digitalisation?
- COVID-19 and Democracies: Did Democratic Countries Perform Worse in the Crisis?
- The Impact of the Rise in the National Minimum Wage on the Probability of Remaining Employed in South Korea
WS 2020/21
- Individual and environmental characteristics related to gender differences in employment on the Ghanaian labour market
- Wealth distributions in the EU: A comparative analysis of wealth inequality using the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) of the ECB
- Evaluating the contribution of high temperatures to child wasting in India and Bangladesh
SS 2020
- How does parental income affect secondary school track choice? A Sibling Fixed Effects Analysis
- Re-evaluating RCTs with nightlights - an example from biometric smartcards in India
WS 2019/20
- The German Minimum Wage and Hourly Wages - Methodological Trial and Error
- The Wage Gap of Immigrants in the German Labour Market
- Did the Family Benefit Dispute affect Election Outcomes in Bavaria?
- Analysis of the Internal East-West Migration in Germany
WS 2018/19
- The Effects of the German Minimum Wage Reform on Job Satisfaction of Its Beneficiaries
SS 2018
- Returns to Education - The Impact of Vocational Training Preceding a University Degree
- The Effect of Labor Market Entry on Life Satisfaction
WS 2017/18
- The Impact of Development Aid on the Real Effective Exchange Rate in Receiving Countries
- The Impact of Double Taxation Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment to Developing Countries
SS 2017
- A Comparison of Female Employment Patterns in East and West Germany after Reunification
- How Does Marriage Affect the Wages of Men and Women in West Germany? Evidence From the Socio-Economic Panel Between 1985 and 2012
- The Mental Health Effect of Overeducation
- The Motherhood Wage Penalty and the Problem of Self-Selection
- The determinants of entrepreneurship in Germany: a micro-level analysis
WS 2016/17
- The Motherhood Wage Penalty in Germany
- Long-term unemployed single parents: who they are and what influences their chance to find a job?
- Inequality aversion across income groups in Germany
- Can foreign direct investment accelerate growth? A panel data approach.
- Income Inequality and Economic Growth: Evidence from Panel Data in Developed Countries
- Public Attention and Development Aid Exploring a new instrument
- Can external Public Debt explain the Ineffectiveness of Development Aid
- Assessing Intergenerational Income Mobility in Germany
- What are possible determinants of female labour supply and to what extent do they shape a woman´s decision to actively participate in the labour market?
- Foreign Direct Investment and Affluence: Does Education matter?
SS 2016
Rising Return to Education in Germany – A Cohort-Based Approach
Class Size and Student Achievement
WS 2015/16
Myth or Reality - Does an Increasing Number of Immigrants Influence the Crime Rate in Germany?
Racial Inequalities – The Impact of being Hispanic on economic success in the United States
SS 2015
- Educational Attainment and Transmission in Germany: A Comparison between Native Germans and German-Born Migrants
Fostering Fatherhood – How Parents`s Money Affects the Sharing of Child Car in Germany
How powerful is wealth as a predictor of health in the case of Germany?
Impacts on the Income Distribution in Colombia betwenn 1993 - 2013
WS 2014/15
- Econometric Analysis of the Determinants of Political Indifference and Right-Wing Ideology
Speed Limit Enforcement: A Means to an end, yet Pursuing the "Wrong" Objective?
Intergenerational Unemployment Transmission in Germany
Decomposition of the Native-Immigrant Wage Gap in Germany
Do Immigrants Earn Less? A Quantile Regression Approach to Wages of Immigrants and Native Germans
- Analyzing the Gender Gap in Leadership Positons with the help of the Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition
SS 2014
Decomposition of the Gender Pay Gap in Germany
The Impact of the School Meals Program on Children´s Education in Southwestern Ethiopia
The duration until giving birth to the first child in Germany and its determinants
The effect of a migration background on unemployment duration in Germany
College or Apprenticeship? – Educational Choices in West Germany
WS 2013/14
Risky Asset Shares of German Households – A Model Comparison for Fractional Response Data
Educational Mismatches in the German Labor Market: Possible Causes and Potential Wage Effects
Evaluating the Adolescent Girl Employment Initiative in Nepal
Consumption under Intertemporal and Interpersonal Comparisons: Evidence from U.S. Panel Data
Determinants of Health Insurance Uptake in Rural Nigeria
SS 2013
Determinants of Outsourcing on the Establishment Level
WS 2012/13
- Evaluation of Direct Marketing Campaigns in the Banking Sector: An Application of Probit Model and Linear Discriminant Analysis
- A Multinomial Logit Model: The Effect of Unemployment on Individual Voting Behavior
- Compensating Wage Differentials: New Evidence from German Data
- Determinants to become a manager – differences between women and men
- Migrants and the Incidence of Unemployment: A Probit Approach
- 'University or Fachhochschule'? The decision between different institutions of tertiary education and its effect on the wage: An empirical analysis
- Determinants of Consumers' Channel Preferences: A Model for Explaining the Selection of Distribution Channels
SS 2012
- Instrumental variable estimation of the return to education
- Indirect and Direct Returns to Education in Germany
- A probit random-effects Model: Labor force participation of women
- The effects of private leverage in the European Monetary Union
WS 2011/12
- Popular Poverty Intensity Indices: Theory and International Evidence
- Decomposing Inequality Measures
- The Relation between Economic Situation and Civil War Onset: Addressing the Problem of Endogeneity
- Discrete Choice Models An Overview