
Jhou Sih-Ting 周思廷

Name: Jhou Sih-Ting 周思廷

Home Institiution: Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University
Duration of Stay: Nov. 26 to Dec. 24, 2018


Jhou Sih-Ting is a PhD student in the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University. She received her MA from the Department of Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University. Her current research interests include public policy and management, local governance, public-private partnership marketing, environmental energy policy, civil servant behavior and public corruption issues, etc. She won a policy proposal award, the Taiwan Ministry of Education Youth Policy Award, for a proposal which targeted citizen participation in renewable energy programmes. Her research also has a deep focus on Taiwan's government operations and practices in public administration.


Jhou, S.T. (2015). Youth and old generations create cooperation and create new social services. Presented at the Youth Generation Exchange Coordination Proposal Conference, Taiwan

Jhou, S.T. (2014). Study of Partnership Marketing Strategy for An Oceanic Culture Tourism City-A Case Analysis on Keelung City. Presented at the Republic of China Public Policy Conference, National Taipei University, Taiwan.

Jhou, S.T. (2014). Citizen participation in renewable energy programmes. presented at Youth Development Administration, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.  

Jhou, S.T. (2011). Pursuing Law-based Administration of Government from Civil Servants and  Bureaucracy pathologies Issues. Presented at College Student Research Scholarship, National Science Council, Taiwan.        

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