International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


Culture of not forgetting

Blog article by Friedrich Gabel

In recent weeks, social life has been increasingly restricted: Avoiding meetings, keeping distance, staying home, closing businesses. All in the service of social solidarity with the (potential) victims of the Sars-2 Covid 19 virus. Since these restrictions are accompanied by comprehensive challenges for people in Germany, Europe and the world, there are critics everywhere who question such a demand for solidarity and instead plead for a return to normality in order to protect the economy, future prosperity and the damages caused by the quarantine measures. This contribution takes up this criticism. However, instead of rejecting the current measures and accepting the numerous victims of the virus, this article argues for a culture of not forgetting. This recognizes the current measures as useful for the protection of life, but at the same time argues for a solidarity which goes beyond the (potential) victims of the virus.

