International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)


The dynamics of the crisis

Blog article by Marco Krüger

The terms deceleration and system relevance dominate the current political debate. Deceleration describes, sometimes in a romanticizing way, the slowing down of public life - and thus the restriction of individual freedoms - by the closure of many areas of society. In addition, the rhetorical figure of system relevance also determines the political debate. The term refers to all those who are considered indispensable for the preservation of society. It homogenises the various professional groups recognised as being of system relevance, thereby concealing serious differences between them. In the process, those affected become a collectivized instrument that serves to protect society. Hieraus erwachsen Gerechtigkeitsproblematiken. This gives rise to problems of justice. This contribution therefore aims to make visible the different social dynamics caused by the COVID 19 pandemic and to make the associated processes of privilege and marginalisation negotiable.

