International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Céline Gressel

Co-laborative research and innovation

Céline Gressel is a sociologist of technology. She studied sociology, psychology and educational science in Tübingen. As a research associate in the ESTER project, she investigates the ethical and social aspects of interdisciplinary research funding. One focus of this work is the identification of conditions under which ethical and social aspects can be successfully integrated into technology development projects. She also researches social aspects of selected new technologies, such as virtual reality and eye tracking.

Areas of Expertise

  • Sociology of Technology
  • Eye tracking
  • ELSI (Integration of social science aspects in technology development)
  • Consequences and preconditions of integrated research
  • Qualitative methods of empirical social research especially Grounded Theory
  • Ethics in the sciences and humanities


Selected Lectures and workshops

  • 07.06.2024: Input presentation at the PrEHics Workshop, Glasgow: "Introduction to the impact of the human and world view on technology".
  • 07.06.2024: together with: Susanne Hindennach, Mayar Elfares, Murat Karaboga, Michael Raschke and Andreas Bulling: 4th International Workshop on Privacy and Ethics in Eye Tracking (PrEThics), ETRA 2024, Glasglow.
  • 30.05.2023: Presentation: "Socio-ethical aspects of privacy in eye tracking". At the PrEHics Workshop, Tübingen.
  • 30.05.2023: Together with Mayar Elfares, Murat Karaboga, Helmut Lurtz, Rebekah Overdorf, Michael Raschke and Andreas Bulling: Organization of the: "3rd International Workshop on Privacy and Ethics in Eye Tracking (PrEThics)" in conjunction with ACM ETRA 2023. Tübingen
  • 15.03.2023: together with: Julie Mewes, Baldeep Kaur, Paula Helm: Panel: "Circulations of STS research(ers) and good academic research practice and working conditions". At STS-hub. Aachen. Further Information 
  • 28.02. - 01.03.2023: together with the Cluster Integrierte Forschung: "Digitalisierte Lebenswelten und Integrierte Forschung". International Conference.Technoseum, Mannheim. 
  • 17.01.2023: together with Mone Spindler, Jacqueline Bellon and Michaela Shields (Wissenschaftsladen, Bonn): "Living the work of Integration" International twin-workshop. Tuesday, 17th January 2023, Bonn and Phoenix, Arizona. 
  • 17.11.2022: together with Maria Pawelec: Keynote: „Ethical implications of immersive technologies and deepfakes in art and culture“. At the conference: "Immersive Technologies in Art and Culture" of the Goethe Institute, 14-18 November 2022 in Tashkent/Uzbekistan. Lecture online. Slides
  • 16.08.2022: "The Usage of Extended Reality Technologies in the Contexts of a healthy Life and their Impact on Well-being." At GWP.2022 (The Fourth International Conference of the German Society for Philosophy of Science). Berlin
  • 12.07.2022: Together with Mone Spindler and Jacqueline Bellon: Workshop: "Zur Genese integrativer Technikentwicklungsprojekte" (On the Genesis of Integrative Technology Development Projects). A collaborative intervention of the project ESTER, exploring the phase of project development. Tübingen
  • 09.06.2022: Presentations: "Introduction to thical aspects of pervasive eye tracking" and "Key ethical dimensions of "Privacy in Eye-Tracking". At ACM ETRA 2022. Online. 
  • 09.06.2022: Together with Inken Hagestedt, Michael Raschke, Rebekah Overdorf and Andreas Bulling: Organisation of: "2nd International Workshop on Privacy and Ethics in Eye Tracking (PrEThics)" at ACM ETRA 2022. Online. 
  • 27.05.2021: "Social Aspects of Privacy in Eye-Tracking", talk at ACM ETRA 2021.Online.
  • 27.05.2021: Together with Andreas Bulling, Michael Raschke and Inken Hagenstedt: Organizer of the "1st International Workshop on Privacy and Ethics in Eye Tracking (PrEThics)" at ACM ETRA 2021. Online.
  • 03.12.2020: "Privacy in VR/AR - Wie öffnen ELSI (Ethical, Legal, Social Implications) einen Raum von Möglichkeiten für VR und Eye-Tracking?" (Privacy in VR/AR - How do ELSI (Ethical, Legal, Social Implications) open a space of possibilities for VR and eye tracking?), Lecture in the context of the workshop "Privacy in VR/AR" (Céline Gressel and Michael Raschke) at BMBF congress „Interaktive Systeme in virtuellen und realen Räumen –Innovative Technologien für ein gesundes Leben“ (Interactive systems in virtual and real spaces -Innovative technologies for a healthy life), online in TriCAT Spaces. Video of the recording on request.
  • 03.12.2020: "Gestalterische Optionen bei der Erstellung von Avataren - Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte des Avatardesigns" (Design Options in Avatar Creation - Social Science Aspects of Avatar Design), Lecture in the context of the workshop "Avatare - Gestalterische Optionen" (Avatars- Design Options) (Timo Stampa and Christoph Vogel) at BMBF congress „Interaktive Systeme in virtuellen und realen Räumen –Innovative Technologien für ein gesundes Leben“ (Interactive systems in virtual and real spaces -Innovative technologies for a healthy life), online in TriCAT Spaces.
  • 02.12.2020: "Evaluationen in Zeiten von CORONA" ( Evaluations in times of Corona), Virtual talk show at BMBF congress „Interaktive Systeme in virtuellen und realen Räumen –Innovative Technologien für ein gesundes Leben“ (Interactive systems in virtual and real spaces -Innovative technologies for a healthy life), online in TriCAT Spaces.
  • 03.03.2020: "Arbeiten mit der Grounded Theory" (Working wtih Grounded Theory). Workshop to convey methods of qualitative social research. LMU Munich.
  • 25.11.2019: Postersession: "ELSI-Aspekte in die Technikentwicklung integrieren" (How to integrate ELSI-Aspects into technology development). Second Symposium "Integrierte Forschung" of the network "Integrierte Forschung" in Leipzig.
  • 05.02.2019: Aus der Praxis. Sechs Bausteine für Integrierte Technikentwicklung. Workshop: Integrierte Technikentwicklung: Ethische, rechtliche, soziale und ökonomische Aspekte einbeziehen (with Mone Spindler, Alexander Orlowski, Sven Wydra und Sebastian Runschke).
    (Out of practice. Six building blocks for integrated technology development. Workshop: Integrated Technology Development: Include Ethical, Legal, Social and Economic Aspects) IHK Reutlingen


  • together with Mone Spindler: "Interdisziplinarität im Forschungsgarten - Vom Pflanzen und Mähen in integrativen Technikentwicklungsprojekten". In: Brand, C., Ammicht-Quinn, R., & Meisch, S. (2023). Ich lehne mich jetzt mal ganz konkret aus dem Fenster:[…]. Eine Festschrift zu Ehren von Thomas Potthast. Tübingen Libary Publishing, p. 327-336.

  • together with Rebekah Overdorf, Inken Hagenstedt, Murat Karaboga, Helmut Lurtz, Michael Raschke and Andreas Bulling (2023): "Privacy-Aware Eye Tracking: Challenges and Future Directions,". In IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 95-102, 1 Jan.-March 2023. DOI: 10.1109/MPRV.2022.3228660.

  • (2022): "Warum wir über Anwender*innen sprechen sollten - Eine kritische soziologische Perspektive auf den Nutzer*innenbegriff" In: BedenkZeiten – Ein Ethik-Blog

  • with Alexander Orlowski (2019): Integrierte Technikentwicklung. In: TATuP Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, (Integrated Technology Development. In: TATuP Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice) v. 28, n. 2, p. 71-72, 8 July 2019.  DOI:

  • Gressel, Céline (2017): Die medizinische Re-Konstruktion von Körpern im Zusammenspiel mit der Technik der klinischen Endoskopie. (The medical re-construction of bodies in interaction with the technique of clinical endoscopy.) In: Brand Cordula /Heesen Jessica/Kröber Birgit/Müller Uta/Potthast Thomas (Ed.): Ethik in den Kulturen, Kulturen in der Ethik. Eine Festschrift für Regina Ammicht Quinn. (Ethics in Cultures, Cultures in Ethics. A Festschrift for Regina Ammicht Quinn.) Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto, p. 257-264.



Since 12/2023

Research Associate at the IZEW

Project ANKER (Anchor objects, interdisciplinary technology development, AI, integration of ethics)

Since 04/2021 

Research Associate at the IZEW

Project ESTER (Ethical and Social Aspects of Integrated Research)

From 12/2018 to 01/2023

Research Associate at the IZEW

Project HIVE-Lab (Social, ethical and legal aspects of mixed reality in the context of health technologies)

From 03/2016 to 03/2019

Research Associate at the IZEW

Project INTEGRAM (Integrated research: A critical analysis and practical dissemination for the research area "Human-technology interaction" )

From 10/2015 to 03/2016

Research assistant at the IZEW

Project INTEGRAM (Integrated research: A critical analysis and practical dissemination for the research area "Human-technology interaction")

From 05/2008 to 07/2009

Student assistant (tutor) at the sociological institute of the University of Tübingen
for the lectures Statistics I and II.

From 06/2011 to 12/2012 and from 03/2014 to 12/2014

Research Assistant at the IZEW.
Among others in the projects KRETA (Körperscanner: Reflexion der Ethik auf Technik und Anwendungskontexte), MuViT (Interdisziplinäre Analysen zur Mustererkennung und Video Tracking) and MATERIA (Menschen im Alter und Technik).



Completion 10/2015 Magister Artium Sociologie
Margister work: "Distributed investigation in the field of tension between knowledge and uncertainty. A technical sociological analysis of interactions and interactivities in clinical endoscopy of the digestive tract". (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jörg Strübing, graded: very good).


Master's degree in sociology (main discipline), educational science and psychology at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen.

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