International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)



Job vacancy: Researcher for the project “WeNet – The Internet of Us”

We look for a researcher with a background in ethics or social sciences and competences in the…

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Sustainability at universities: guidelines have been published

HOCH-N interim results from six fields of action are available.

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New publication: "Abwägen und Anwenden" anthology

Uta Müller/Philipp Richter/Thomas Potthast (eds.): Abwägen und Anwenden. Zum ‚guten‘ Umgang mit…

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Interview with Dr. Thilo Hagendorff

The radio station hr-info interviewed Dr. Thilo Hagendorff about web tracking.

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Public presentation ceremony of the Sustainability Awards for Theses and the Sustainability Lecture 2018

The Sustainability Prize is awarded to theses at Bachelor’s and Master’s level that are…

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Dr. Uta Müller and Laura Schelenz speak about ethics and digitalization at the Steinbeis Networking Event

The event, which will be held in German on November 29 in Stuttgart-Hohenheim, deals with media and…

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Invitation to the vernissage

First-time presentation and exhibition of this innovative learning tool - an interactive learning…

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Dr. Robert Ranisch was awarded the AeV Junior Research Price for his doctoral thesis

The AeV Junior Research Price „Medicine and Ethics“ is awarded to outstanding researches.

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