International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)



Neue Veröffentlichgung "Respecting children`s rights in research ethics and research methods"

Verfasst u.a. von der IZEW-Mitarbeiterin Ingrid Stapf

Im Rahmen des Projekts SIKID ist eine neue Publikation enstanden.


"In this commentary, we reflect on ethical considerations when conducting research with children in sensitive subject areas, especially in digital environments. Using a child rights- centered approach, we argue that we need to use a more holistic approach to ethics that respects different rights of children. When weighing security and safety risks of examining online communication among children, ethical tensions arise between the right to protection and the right to participation. This tension can be addressed by considering ethical criteria throughout the whole research project. We claim that this also might entail a paradigm shift: research ethics should be developed in interdisciplinary teams, and also with children. The goal of child-centered research ethics is to respect children´s interests and rights by designing appropriate research methods and processes that engage the autonomy of children while increasing the validity of research results and conclusions"

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