Latest news from our cluster


Cluster logo in new design

After a considerable creative process, we present a relaunch of our cluster logo!

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Awards for three cluster members at ECCV2022

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is one of the most prestigious conferences in the…

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28 papers at NeurIPS 2022 accepted

At this year's NeurIPS conference, 28 papers were accepted from researchers in our Cluster.

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Ethical thoughts on the use of AI in migration - Interview with Prof. Ammicht Quinn

Regina Ammicht Quinn is Professor of Ethics at the International Center for Ethics in Science at the…

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Should it explain itself?

We are no longer baffled by all the tasks algorithms can perform. And apparently, they are now even…

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Georg Martius receives ERC Consolidator Grant

The research group 'Autonomous Learning' at MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen is awarded 2…

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ERC Starting Grant for Philipp Berens

Cluster speaker Philipp Berens has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council…

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Our cluster at the Science & Innovations Days

Discussing, participating and getting involved is absolutely welcome: From June 29 to July 2, 2022,…

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