Latest news from our cluster


ERC Consolidator Grant for Jakob Macke

Cluster member Jakob Macke has received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council…

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Cluster PhD student Kerstin Rau wins competition of "I'm a Scientist"

Our Cluster was represented by 6 scientists in the "Artificial Intelligence" round of “I'm a…

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Two more research groups at the Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning

In January 2023, Claire Vernade and Katharina Eggensperger each took over the lead for a new…

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Thilo Hagendorff at "AI in Conversation" on January 26

The "KI-Makerspace" hosts various events every Thursday around lesser-known ethical challenges posed…

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Land Suitability Assessment and Agricultural Production Sustainability Using Machine Learning Models

Food production depends on many factors. These include, for example, soil suitability, climate…

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Machine learning reveals differences in long-range weather connectivity patterns for different kinds of El Niño events

In their latest article, published in Geophysical Research Letters, Felix Strnad and Jakob Schlör…

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Predicting future energy supply

Nicole Ludwig is the head of the research group "Machine Learning in Sustainable Energy Systems" at…

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Cluster logo in new design

After a considerable creative process, we present a relaunch of our cluster logo!

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