LEAD Graduate School & Research Network


Abgeschlossene Dissertationen der LEAD Graduate School & Research Network

LEAD-Alumni sind Personen, die das Doktorandenprogramm der LEAD Graduate School erfolgreich mit einer Dissertation abgeschlossen haben.

Jan 27, 2025

NameTitel der DissertationDatum
Isabelle FischerShaping Early Childhood in the 90s and Beyond: A Comprehensive Examination of Parental Influences and Parenting
Trends in Western Societies
Oct 2024
Fitore MorinaPushing Frontiers in Teacher Learning: Examining Online Teacher Professional DevelopmentAug 2024
Anna BareistbaJul 2024
Philipp StarktbaJul 2024
Armin Fabian Modeling, measuring and fostering (pre-service) teachers' professional knowledge to integrate technologies in mathematics educationApr 2024
Zarah WeißtbaMar 2024
Salome WagnertbaFeb 2024
Luisa ScherzingerTeachers’ Professional Competence for Bilingual (Economic) EducationJan 2024
Joseph FerdinandIntegrating motivation into immersive learning: An experimental approach to enhance virtual reality’s effectiveness in science educationNov 2023
Sophie VogelEinsatz und Evaluation dramapädagogischer, fachsensibler Sprachförderung in schulischer Theater-AG für Grundschulkinder mit DaZ – eine longitudinale InterventionsstudieJul 2023
Lilly Buhr(New) approaches and challenges in measuring self-regulationApr 2023
Salome FlegrCombining rather than comparing apples and oranges: Real and virtual experiments in science educationJan 2023
Lisa ZachrichEmpirische Bildungsforschung trifft Geschichtsdidaktik. Eine Untersuchung der Lernprozesse im Lernarrangement mit Zeitzeug:innenberichtenOct 2022
Lydia KastnerDevelopment and experimental evaluation of evidence-based visual arts courses in the art museum to foster adolescents’ empathy and self-conceptSep 2022
Yoana OmarchevskaThe interplay of scientific reasoning and self-regulation in inquiry learning: A temporal process-oriented analysisJul 2022
Johanna MarderUnderstanding effective teaching from the student perspective: Exploring dynamics in teaching qualityMar 2022
Jannika JohnTalent research from a social science perspective. Theoretical, methodological, and empirical deliberations Dec 2021
Yeeun Kim Sibling dynamics in academic socialization within the family contextDec 2021
Silke WorthaFraction processing across domains: Integrating contributions of cognition, motivation, and emotionDec 2021
Lisa HasenbeinSocial comparisons in the classroom revisited: Insights into underlying processes using immersive virtual reality as a research toolDec 2021
Thomas GfrörerVocational interest development in adolescence – integrating insights about normative change, stability, and influencing factorDec 2021
Karoline MikusPassing on educational advantages: The role of cultural capital and concerted cultivationOct 2021
Lisa HilkenDas Seminar "Elementare Differentialgeometrie zum Anfassen" - Untersuchungen zu mathematikbezogenen Überzeugungen und zur Vernetzung von Linearer Algebra und AnalysisJul 2021
Ann-Kathrin JaekelDie Nutzung von Schülerurteilen zur Erfassung von Unterrichtsqualität in Forschung und SchulpraxisJul 2021
Thérése EderTo see, or not to see, that is the question: Applying a psychological perspective to supporting medical image processing of studentsJul 2021
Leonie JacobLearning by explaining: How implementation- and student-related boundary conditions determine the effectiveness of generating an explanation to a fictitious peerJun 2021
Björn RudzewitzLearning analytics in intelligent computer-assisted language learningJun 2021
Alena RögeleScientific reasoning and citizen science: Enabling students and adults to become scientifically literate citizens of tomorrow’s societyJun 2021
Franz WorthaBeyond self-regulated learning: Integrating approaches to self-regulation in educationMay 2021
Benjamin SiegmundSprachbildung im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht. Eine Interventionsstudie zur Wirksamkeit fachintegrierter Sprachbildung nach dem Scaffolding-Ansatz und mit Focus-on-Form-Strategien.May 2021
Ömer SümerMultimodal visual sensing: automated estimation of engagementFeb 2021
Gabriella DaroczyLinguistic and arithmetic factors in word problemsFeb 2021
Katerina TsaravaComputational thinking as a cognitive construct: cognitive correlates, assessment & curriculum designFeb 2021
Tobias AppelCross-participant and cross-task classification of cognitive load based on eye trackingJan 2021


LEAD Dissertationen 2015–2020

LEAD Alumni 2015–2020

Luzia LeifheitThe role of self-concept and motivation within the 'computational thinking' approach to early computer science educationDezember 2020
Xian ChengICT-based instruction for secondary school students: The interplay of individual learning prerequisites, use of technology, and student involvement in learning processesDezember 2020
Vera BrennerReintegration nach Behandlung in der Tagesklinik für Kinder: umfeldbezogene Prädiktoren für eine erfolgreiche tagesklinische BehandlungDezember 2020
Marina PumptowDigital media in higher education – the use and importance of digital media in contemporary university studiesDezember 2020
Moritz FleischmannFrame-of-reference effects on academic self-concept: Addressing unresolved issues with new designsDezember 2020
Jakob SchwerterEconometric analysis of the effects of educational decisions on labor market outcomes and the influence of self-testing on learning outcomesDezember 2020
Molly HammerIdentifying antecedents to learning effectively with digital media: A student-centered approachNovember 2020
Heiko HolzDesign, development, and evaluation of research tools for evidence-based learning: A digital game-based spelling training for german primary school childrenNovember 2020
Fabian RuthLinking rhetoric and educational research: The assessment and promotion of secondary school students’ presentation competenceNovember 2020
Malte RingVisual representations in economic education from an interdisciplinary perspectiveNovember 2020
Nora CastnerGaze and visual scanpath features for data-driven expertise recognition in medical image inspectionOktober 2020
Patricia GoldbergIn search of new insights into teacher-learner interactions: The potential of students’ (non)attention-related behavior during instruction and its measurementOktober 2020
Cora ParrisiusThe unfolding of students' motivation in the natural classroom setting: The role of motivational teaching behaviorsOktober 2020
Merle ReuterNatural spaces, affect, and ADHD symptoms – within-person associations in children’s daily lifeJuli 2020
Laura BraunInvestigating global self-esteem by integrating theory and methodsJuli 2020
Iris BackfischSkill or will? Comprehensive conceptualization of technology-enhanced teaching and its relation to teachers’ professional knowledge and motivationJuli 2020
Hanna GranzJuggle or struggle: Vulnerability to developing symptoms of burnout and depression in elite athletesJuni 2020
Ina RüberThe association between learning and civil participation during adulthood – evidence from large-scale assessmentsFebruar 2020
Corina WeidenauerCircadian preference and amplitude - Under consideration of physiological markers, activity and sleep/wake timing as well as references to attention, mood and motivation in everyday school lifeDezember 2019
Tanja KrumpeUsing machine learning as a research tool in experimental psychologyDezember 2019
Fabian LangEvaluating scientific controversies: The influence of beliefs regarding the uncertainty of knowledge and cognitive engagementSeptember 2019
Carmen LipphardtTrainability of verbal evidentialization techniques in scientific presentations as a problem of modern rhetoric. An interdisciplinary experimental study on training effects in studentsSeptember 2019
Nele UssleppIndividual decision-making behavior with regard to educational decisions in the context of the German-speaking education systemSeptember 2019
Heide PieschSupporting adolescents’ career choices: The role of motivational beliefs and relevance interventionsJuli 2019
Cansu AtlayTeaching quality and educational inequalities: An interdisciplinary inquiry of the relationship between student background and teaching qualityApril 2019
Justin HudakOptimization of near-infrared spectroscopy-based neurofeedback for use in the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorderMärz 2019
Anne-Kathrin Knauf

Students with vocational education and training in German higher education: Preparation, integration and achievement

Januar 2019
Simón Ruiz HernándezIndividual differences and instructed second language acquisition: Insights from intelligent computer assisted language learningDezember 2018
Xiaobin ChenAutomatic analysis of linguistic complexity and its application in language learning researchDezember 2018
Adam AyaitaFour essays on the role of personality in the transition from the education system to the labor marketDezember 2018
Emely HochCan implementation intentions improve self-regulation during learning with multimedia?Dezember 2018
Ulrich LudewigUnderstanding graphs: Modeling processes, prerequisites and influencing factors of graphicacyOktober 2018
Michèle SuhlmannTowards an integrated model of ethnic majority and ethnic minority university students’ well-being, motivation and dropout intentionJuli 2018
Maria ChinkinaAnalyzing authentic texts for language learning: Web-based technology for input enrichment and question generationJuli 2018
Katharina Wendebourg

How can grammar learning be facilitated? Insights from the learning of Latin morpho-syntax

Juli 2018
Réka VágvölgyiLinguistic, numerical, and cognitive foundations of functional illiteracyJuni 2018
Madalina ThieleEconometric analysis of educational decisions and their consequencesMai 2018
Christina Artemenko

Neurocognitive foundations of arithmetic complexity in adults and children

März 2018
Sven RiegerFacilitating the understanding of personality: The usefulness of unifying two existing approachesJanuar 2018
Franziska RebholzFostering mathematical competences by preparing for a mathematical competitionJanuar 2018
Sergio Cervera TorresInfluencing appraisals of emotional valence with spatial touchscreen interactions: An embodied approach to Positive TechnologyDezember 2017
Friederike BlumeNon-pharmacological interventions in the context of ADHD symptoms: New perspectives for treatment and assessmentDezember 2017
Eike WilleGender differences in mathematically intensive STEM fields: Factors of influence and multiple perspectivesNovember 2017
Andreas HartungLocal and regional context effects on individual educational and occupational aspirations and transitionsNovember 2017
Nicolas HübnerEducational effectiveness at the end of upper secondary school: Further insights into the effects of statewide policy reformsOktober 2017
Gabriel KornwachsDepressivität unter Schülern - Prävention, Früherkennung und schulrelevante KorrelateSeptember 2017
Mirjam FreyDie Bedeutsamkeit fingerbasierter Repräsentationen für numerische Fähigkeiten - Ergebnisse einer Intervention zu Beginn der Grundschule und Differenzierung struktureller MerkmaleAugust 2017
Steffen SchmidgallDrawing to learn: Investigating the role of contributing factors and instructional support for learner-generated drawingJuli 2017
Leona HellwigObservation of ADHD symptoms: Prospects for a behavior-based, objective and context-dependent assessmentJuli 2017
Michael GroszThe assessment, dimensionality, and development of narcissism in early adulthoodJuli 2017
Petra HaasPhysical activity in children and adults – Associations with affect and impact on executive functionsFebruar 2017
Sebastian GrissmannInvestigating the prerequisites for a robust neurotutor: The detection of mixed user states containing working memory load, affective valence and affective dominanceFebruar 2017
Evelin HerbeinPublic speaking training as an enrichment program for elementary school children: Conceptualization, evaluation, and implementationJanuar 2017
Philipp MockUsing low-level sensor data to improve touchscreen interactionJanuar 2017
Julia SchieferPromoting and measuring elementary school children’s understanding of scienceJanuar 2017
Juliane RichterSignaling text-picture relations in multimedia learning: The influence of prior knowledgeJanuar 2017
Juliane KantFostering the acquisition of scientific reasoning with video modeling examples and inquiry tasksJanuar 2017
Thomas LöschPerceiving achievement in schools: How do self-appraisals, peer appraisals and achievement relate to each other?Januar 2017
Katarina WeßlingThe influence of socio-spatial contexts on transitions from school to vocational and academic training in GermanyDezember 2016
Daniela AhlbergEmbodiment in first and second language processingNovember 2016
Sina MüllerDepressive symptoms in adolescence: Consequences, mechanisms, & school-based prevention effortsMärz 2016
Isabelle HäfnerInvestigating associations between family background and students’ academic outcomes: The role of parents’ motivationDezember 2015
Katharina AllgaierHonesty-humility at school: A person x situation approach to explain students' social behaviorNovember 2015
Carina WalterEEG workload prediction in a closed-loop learning environmentOktober 2015
Sowmya VajjalaAnalyzing text complexity and text simplification: Connecting linguistics, processing and educational applicationsJuli 2015
Hanna GaspardPromoting value beliefs in mathematics: A multidimensional perspective and the role of genderMärz 2015

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