Department of Computer Science


Journals are available in the library rooms Sand 14, 1st floor.
A survey of the continuously maintained periodicals is provided by the
Entire Library Stock 


Full text journals of computer science

The full text online journals of the WSI i.a. are accessible via the “Regensburger Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)”
Regensburger Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB)

ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) Digital Library

Online access to all ACM publications, conference proceedings und archival documents for all users who are connected to the university net (where necessary via VPN):

IEEE Publications

A couple of IEEE journals are available in hard copy form at the WSI library (see Entire Library Stock).

Additional journals of the IEEE are part of the university stock and accessible through the EZB access provided by the university library.