Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics

Planet perturbations in protoplanetary disks

Pablo Benitez Llambay (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen) - 4.12.17


Planetary embryos are born and grow orbiting in disks surrounding young stars. These protoplanets perturb the disk, which in turn produces a gravitational feedback onto the nascent planets changing their orbit, a process known as planet migration. A good characterization of the planet migration process requires detailed calculations of the global disk structure, which is sensitive to the physical mechanisms operating in it. Understanding how this migration occurs and which parameters and physical processes are dominant is a major issue in modern planet formation theories, strongly motivated by recent exoplanets surveys. In this talk, I will shortly introduce the concept of planet-migration and show that perturbations induced by a planet in different physical environments can produce different outcomes. In particular, I'll summarize results related to torques produced by a hot growing planet and torques produced in turbulent and dusty environments.