
Prof. Yen Liang-Kung 顏良恭


Prof. Yen Liang-Kung 顏良恭

Home Institiution:

National Cheng-Chi University, Taiwan

Duration of Stay:

June 24 – July 23, 2014

professional Position

Faculty of Public Administration, National Cheng-Chi University

Professor and Director of Taiwan Studies Center

Professor and Director of International Master’s Program in Taiwan Studies (IMTS)

Professor and Chair of Dept. of Public Administration


Associate Professor

Associate Professor


1985-1990, Ph.D. in Political Science (Government), University of Texas at Austin

1977-1980, M.L. in Public Administration, National Cheng-Chi University

1973-1977, B.L. in Political Science, National Cheng-Chi University


1998, The Paradigm Problems in Public Administration, (Taipei: Wu Nan Publishers).

Book Chapters and Articles
2005, with Wu Ber-Lin and Wu Te-Mei, “Using Fussy Statistical Methods to forecast Military Budget Allocation,” in Chu Ke-Yi (ed), The New Strategic Situation Across Taiwan Strait, Taipei: TingMao.

2005, with Wu Te-Mei, The State, Domestic Politics, and Global EconomyExplaining Canada's Decision to Join the Free Trade Agreements, Soochow Journal of Political Science, 21:115-157. (TSSCI)

2009, with Hsieh Jun-Yi, An Empirical Study of Interagency Collaborative Network Delivery in the Household Registration Services in Taipei City Government,Fu Dan Public Administration Review, 5207-227.

2009, with Pan Ruo-Lin and Wu Te-Mei, Global Governance and Its Impact on Domestic Genetically Modified Foods Regulatory Policy-Making in Taiwan, Journal of Public Administration & Policy, 481-62. (TSSCI)

2010, with Wu Te-Mei, Growth, Remove of Poverty and MigrationChinas Case Study, Asian Studies, 603-24.

2010, with Hsieh Jun-Yi and Wu Te-Mei, “Governance without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan's ICT Industry," Academic Public Administration Studies Archive, www.apas.admpubl.snspa

2011, with Lin Jung-Hong The Policy Implementation of Local Drug Abuse Control CenterA Policy Network Perspective, Soochow Journal of Political Science, 29(2)111-180. (TSSCI)

2012, with Hsieh Chu-Chien, Forest Steward Council in China, in 楊子生(ed) Water Governance and Sustainable Development in China, Beijing: Social Science Literature Press.

2012, with with pan Ruo-Lin and Wu Te-Mei, The Interaction between Global Governance and Domestic Policy: How American Government and Its MNCs Allies Shape Domestic Policy Preference, in 陳慶雲(ed) International Symposium on Government Management Innovation: Theory and Practice” Macao: Macao Polytechnic Institute.

2014, with Hsieh Jun-Yi and Liu Kuo-Tsai (Tom), “Interagency Collaborative Networking and Perceived Performance,” (Under Review)

2014, with Hsieh Chu-Chien, “Forest Steward Council in China,” (Under Review)

2014, with Xie Zong-Han,The Study on the Discontinuation about Kuokuang Petrochemical Development ProjectA Policy Termination Perspective,(Under Review)

Papers Presented at Professional Conference
2007, “Deeping Democracy in Taiwan (2000-2007)?: An Assessment," Paper presented at Taiwanese Democracy: Regional Implications and Comparative Perspectives, Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia.

2008, How Street-Level Agencies Work Together to Contribute to Their Performance: The Household Registration Services in Taipei City Government," paper presented at 69th American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, San Jose CA, USA.

2008, “Gender Equality in Employment Institutional Change in Taiwan” paper presented at the Taiwan Association for Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (TASPAA), Taichung: Dong High University.

2009, “Governance without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan's ICT Industry," paper presented at Environmental Policy: a Multinational Conference on Policy Analysis and Teaching Methods, Seoul: South Korea, SKDI School of Public Policy and Management and Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.

2010, “Policy Ideas, Environmental Management and Improvements: Taiwan Environmental Governance," paper presented at 2010 American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Annual Conference.

2010, “Governance without Government: Emerging Private Environmental Authority in Taiwan's ICT Industry," paper presented at the 2010 Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration, Xiamen: China.

2010, “Deliberation about Composite Environmental Strategy: Political, Technological and Cultural Ideas,” paper presented at 2010 International Conference on Social and Public Affairs: Civil Society, Human Right and Rule of Law, Taipei: Taipei Municipal University of Education.

2011, "Politics Matters: An Assessment of Recent Citizenship Policy Toward Taiwanese Migrants in Mainland China," Paper presented at International Conference of “Immigration Societies: A comparative Perspective on Austria and Taiwan, Vienna: University of Vienna.

2011, “Cross-strait Science Parks Comparison: A Comparative Study of Taiwan's Neihu Technology Park and Kunshan Economic and Technological Development Zone in China,” paper presented at 2011 Conference on Cross-strait Relations, Shandong: Zaozhuang, China.

2012, “Forest Steward Council in China,” paper presented at 2012 International Conference on Social and Public Affairs: Enhancing Urban Competitiveness and Governance Capacity, Taipei: Taipei Municipal University of Education.

2012, "Emerging Private Environmental Governance in Taiwan’s ICT Industry," paper presented at International Conference on Social Movements, Rights Discourses and Citizenship: Social and Political Developments in Taiwan in a Regional Perspective, Taipei: National Chengchi University. November, 8-9.

2013, “Forest Stewardship Council in China: a Multilateral Collaborative Governance Perspective,” paper presented at Association for Asian Studies 2013 Annual Conference at San Diego, California, USA, March 21-24.

2013, “Global Governance and Domestic Forestry Policy Change in China: Examining Four Pathways of Influence,” paper presented at 2013 International Conference on Public Management among Cross-strait and Four Places at China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, Taipei: National Chengchi University, May 25-26.

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