We offer theses on various topics. If yor are interested just contact us.
Bachelor of Science
For example on the following topics:
- behavioural experiments on communication behaviour of weakly electric fish
- modeling of neural activity
- behavioural experiments for spatial navigation and the role of the electrosensory flow
- ...
Master of Science
Next to the topics that are possible in a bachelor thesis, master theses can also involve electrophysiological studies on the electrosensory system of the fish oder also the auditory system of the invertebraten.
Bachelor of Science & admission work
Maximilian Bergmann --- Verhaltensänderungen von Apteronotus leptorhynchus durch Änderungen der Wasserleitfähigkeit (2023)
Leonie Reetz --- Agonistische Interaktionen und elektrische Kommunikation von Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2023)
Maria Zeller --- Effect of sodium current variants on neuronal firing depend on leak condutance (2022)
Philipp Thiesen --- Multisensorische Integration von elektrischen Stimuli in einem two-alternative-forced-chioce Test in Apteronotus albifrons (2022)
Verena Münchbach --- Charakterisierung von Persönlichkeitseigenschaften anhand sozialer Interaktionen beim schwach-elektrischen Fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2022)
Alexander Wendt --- Einfluss von Landmarken auf die Wahl von Verstecken bei Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2022)
Kathrin Root --- Kosten-Nutzen Abwägung bei der Versteckwahl in Abhängigkeit der Anwesenheit eines simulierten Artgenossen bei Ateronotus leptorhynchus (2022)
Merle Rieckmann --- Charkterisierung individuellen Risikoverhaltens am schwach elektrischen Fisch Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2021)
Xaver Roos --- Characterizing the dynamics of an electric fish behaviour in two species of weakly eletric fish (2021)
Laura Öhm ---Soziales Verhalten von Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2020)
Sercan Bayezit --- Significance of EOD frequency rises in staged competition in the elctric fish, Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2020)
Arne Großelindemann --- Effect of hetrogeneity on stimulus encoding in P-unit populations of Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2020)
Valentin Hoch --- Habituation im Chirpverhalten von freischwimmenden Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2019)
Claudia Isenberg --- Effect of amplitude modulation stimuli on the EOD frequency of Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2019)
Anna Wurm --- Frequenzverhalten des schwach-elektrischen Fischs Apteronotus leptorhynchus in einer Lanngzeitstudie unter semi-natürlichen Laborbedingungen (2019)
Saskia Erdle --- Hierarchie und ihre Auswirkung auf die Kommunikation von Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2019)
Laura Linhart --- Habitatsverhalten des schwach-elektrischen Fisches "Apteronotus leptorhynchus, in einer Langzeitstudie unter möglichst natürlichen Laborbedingungen (2018)
Carina Thomas --- Differenz-Frequenz spezifische Habituation bei Apteronotus leptorynchus (2018)
Dexter Früh --- Tracking Freely Behaving Weakly Electric Pulse Fish in their Natural Neotropical Habitats (2018)
Christian Secker --- Mode-Locking in the Pulse-Driven Hodgkin-Huxley Model (2018)
Jacqueline Göbl --- Mechanisms for navigation and distance estimation of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus albifrons (2018)
Julia Grüb --- Landmark Navigation and Distance Estimation in the Weakly Electric Fish Apteronotus albifrons (2018)
Tim Hladnik ---
Lisa Ruth Vial --- The additive features of the JAR of Apteronotus leptorynchus (2017)
Flavia Nährlich --- Numerical bifurcation analysis of neural models using PyDSTool (2017)
Felicia Saar ---
Neeltje Sommerfeld --- Distance Estimation in the weakly Electric Fish Apteronotus albifrons (2017)
Alexander Ott --- Automatische Messung des Feldes von schwach elektrischen Fischen mit Hilfe eines 3-Achsen-Roboters (2017)
Ramona Schäfer --- Effekte von simulierten Small Chirps auf die Elektrokommunikation von Apteronotus leptorhynchus
Miriam Plappert --- Die Wahrnehmung verschiedener Schwebungsfrequenzen durch den Weißstirnmesserfisch Apteronotus albifrons (2016)
Tim Hladnik --- Dynamics of the jamming avoidance response in the weakly electric fish A. leptorhynchus (2016)
Daniel Pfaff --- Klassische Konditionierung zur Untersuchung der Zählfähigkeit bei Apteronotus albifrons (2016)
Isabel Thekla Arndt --- Klassische Konditionierung zur Objektunterscheidung anhand des elektrischen Widerstandes bei Apteronotus albifrons (2015)
Fabienne Schlüsener --- Verhalten von freischwimmenden Fischen der Art Apteronotus leptorhynchus auf fischspezifische, künstliche Frequenzstimuli (2015)
Eileen Winkel --- Conditioning of Apteronotus albifrons to different beat frequencies (2015)
Julia Geiser --- Detektion der Entladung des elektrischen Organs beim frei schwimmenden Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2015)
Juan Felipe Sehuanes --- Modeling the chirping sequences of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2014)
Lukas Sonnenberg --- Untersuchung einer dynamischen Gleichung für die Generierung von Aktionspotentialen (2014)
Lena Isabel Lochmann --- Absolute Objektunterscheidung bei Apteronotus albifrons (2014)
Daniela Christina Schmidt --- Bedeutung von lokalen und globalen Landmarken für die Navigation von Apteronotus albifrons (2014)
Judith Theresia Girg --- Einfluss des visuellen Systems des schwach elektrischen Fisches Apteronotus albifrons auf sein Navigationsverhalten (2014)
Sandra Dangelmayer --- Konditionierungsversuche zur absoluten Objektunterscheidung bei schwach elektrischen Fischen (2013)
Madita Lisa Hilz --- Navigation bei Apteronotus albifrons (2013)
Anne Gresch --- Habituation der Chirps und der Jamming Avoidance Reponse bei Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2013)
Franziska Kümpfbeck --- The communication signals of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus albifrons and Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2011)
Anatoli Ender --- Etablierung von Lernparadigmen zum Trainiern schwach elektrischer Fische (2011)
Anna Jöst --- Characterization of communication signals in two species of weakly electric fish (2010)
Jörg Henninger --- Aspects of Auditory Signal Transduction (2008)
Master of Science
Ibrahim Alperen Tunc --- The role of noise and heterogeneity in shaping population codes for a wide range of elctrosensory simuli in Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2022)
Vanessa Gräf Olmos --- The establishment of a conditioning paradigm for the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2021)
Nils Koch --- Computational modelling of the effects of ionic current alterations on neuronal firing in the context of KCNA1-associated episodic ataxia type 1 (2021)
Jacqueline Laura Göbl --- Diurnal activity and movement pattern in long-term recordings of electric fish in a natural environment (202
Alexander Mathias Ott --- Modeling the Heterogeneity of Electrosensory Afferents in Electric Fish (2020)
Liz Weerdemeester --- Communication strategies of Gymnorhamphichtys rondoni in the wild (2020))
Alexandra Rudnaya --- Detection of communication signals on high frequency beats (2020)
Lisa - Ruth Vial --- Physiology and morphology of multisensory neurons in the Torus semicircularis of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2020)
Alexander Mathias Ott --- Modeling the Heterogeneity of Eltectrosensory Afferents in Electric Fish (2020)
Ramona Schäfer --- High frequency encoding in P-Units in Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2020)
Tim Hladnik --- Characterization of sensory heterogeneity in P-type electroreceptors and its implications for population coding (2019)
Nils Brehm --- Discrimination of calls based on temporal information encoded by auditory receptor neurons of arctiid moths (2018)
Lukas Sonnenberg --- Electrophysiological comparison of four segments of the ELL of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2017)
Till Raab --- Tracking of EOD Frequencies and Rises in the Neotropical Weakly Electric Fish Apternonotus leptorhynchus of Rio Rubiano Colombia (2017)
Juan P. Sehuanes --- Micro-habitat slection and retreat site analsyis of the brown ghost knife-fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus (2017)
Jie Zhang --- Symmetric tuning of P-units to EOD frequency in weakly electric fish (2015)
Chang Zhao --- Mutual information estimation in electrical sensory system of weakly electrical fish (2013)
Anna Stöckl --- Communication signals in the weakly electric fish Eigenmannia virescens (2012)
Franziska Kümpfbeck --- Comparative study on the encoding of communication signals in two species of weakly electric fish (2012)