Econometrics, Statistics and Empirical Economics
LecturerProf. Dr. J. Grammig
Prerequisitesundergraduate Mathematics I and II and Statistics I and II
Time and PlaceMonday, 16:15 - 17:45 p.m.,
Neue Aula, HS 2
Wednesday, 16:15 - 17:00 p.m.
Kupferbau, HS 24
Exam120 Minutes
Credit Points7
Content1. The linear regression model with Gaussian residuals
2. Ordinary Least Squares algebra and OLS finite sample properties
3. Hypothesis testing under normality
4. Generalized Least Squares
5. OLS large sample results (robust inference)
6. Endogeneity and instrumental variables
7. Introduction to the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
LiteratureFumio Hayashi (2000): Econometrics, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford.

Practical class (Dipl.-Vw. Oliver Wünsche)

Practical exercises for material covered in lecture "Introductory Econometrics"

Date: Wednesday, 17:15 - 18:00 p.m., PC-Labor, Nauklerstr., respectively HS 24, Kupferbau

Course material


Assignment: Twenty five easy pieces in mathematical statistics

To be prepared for next practical classes
Slides from introductory lecture of today

23.10.05Timetable Introductory Econometrics
01.11.05Click here for first Hayashi-Chapter (pdf)
More information on Hayashi´s Book (solutions, data, revised sections)
03.11.051st set assignments
Spreadsheet data for OLS estimation of Glosten/Harris
08.11.05Three GAUSS programs to illustrate finite sample properties of OLS estimator
Program 1; Program 2; Program 3
GAUSS (Version 6.0) is installed on the first two rows at the PC-Lab, Nauklerstr. (12 Licenses). You can let the programs run on these machines. A copy of GAUSS-Light,
the student version of GAUSS, is included in the book "Econometric foundations" by
Mittelhammer et al. (2003). The book is available at the chair´s library. To borrow the book you need to leave your student ID with Mrs. Hutt. The GAUSS-Light CD supplied in the textbook also contains a GAUSS tutorial. Another useful GAUSS tutorial is
available here.
16.11.052nd set assignments
EViews workfile for OLS estimation of Glosten/Harris
EViews workfile for the wine example
The official EViews users guide and command reference is available for download here: (about 12 MB!!!)
23.11.053rd set assignments
The data necessary to conduct the exercise are those we used in the 1st and 2nd assignments!
24.11.05GAUSS Program from yesterday´s lecture
06.12.05GAUSS program from Monday´s lecture. Note: If you use the 3.2.X version of GAUSS light you have to rename the program. The name of the file must not have more than 8 characters. Note also that the folder names must not exceed 8 characters. If you use GAUSS 6.0 (installed in the PC lab) you don´t have these limitations.
07.12.05Slight change of plan: This wednesday we will have 2 hours lecture. The exercise by Oliver will be given on Monday (2 hours).
09.12.054th set assignments (assignment sheet is updated on December 12th)!!!
21.12.05The practical exercise this week will take place in the PC lab from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m..
If there is additional demand a second exercise is possible from 6 p.m. - 8 p.m..
5th set assignments
Data spreadsheet nerlove.xls
09.01.06Below, you can download two exams of WS 2003/04. Please prepare the following tasks for the Wednesday exercise:
ersttermin ws0304.pdf : Task 1 completely and Task 2 a) - d)
zweittermin ws0304.pdf : Task 1 a) - f) and Task 2 a) - d)
18.01.066th set assignments
24.01.06Updated timetable and course plan
US macro data and estimated accelerator model (from lecture last week)
01.02.067th set assignments
T-Bill rate and inflation data from Mishkin (1992)
08.02.068th set assignments
15.02.06EVIEWS Workfile from todays lecture